[Xmca-l] Re: Resending LSV/ANL on crisis in ontogengy

Martin John Packer mpacker@uniandes.edu.co
Sun Mar 22 10:54:48 PDT 2015

Well, Peg, I would say that children of different ages/stages have different understandings of the rights and responsibilities that operate in their social world. The personal relationships within the family differ from the impersonal roles of the school. One key aspect of development is the series of transitions in which a child grasps with deepening sophistication this normative dimension. Part of this will be the instructions, intentions, and desires of other people, but this is only part of the story, imho.


On Mar 22, 2015, at 11:40 AM, Peg Griffin <Peg.Griffin@att.net> wrote:

> Thanks for calling attention to the Bozhovich (2004), Mike.   Nice to notice the play of drives and SSDs, in it, especially.
> When the child is organized  in/by an SSD, could we say there is learning going on that might lead to development?  But at first it isn't development, just learning?  (And/or can we say the child/adolescent starts with "merely understood" but not "really effective" motives?)  So the a child might do something because "mommy says so" and when a teacher comes into it her life she might  add or switch to "teacher says so" and add or switch what's being done, too.  Sort of disappointing (maybe even embarrassing perhaps to the teacher) but the child is organized by and acting "as if" they are participants in/co-constructors of the school SSD.  So there's a ground that the figure might develop in, a petri dish type of culture for the child's future...
> I like to think of the morphology of the word "organ-ize" -- the child is a different organ when they get to develop so that the motive of/in the SSD is really effective.  
> I'm hoping Martin Packer will link it to his points in his post about Tomasello...
> Peg
> PS  Maybe it's my old age but I get a kick out of reading a highlighted PDF -- get the feeling of a sort of  illicit reading over someone's shoulder!  It's in real contrast to the annoyance I used to get from paper copies with other folks' highlighting or underlining.

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