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[xmca] Alfred Schuetz

I'd just like to share the attached article, written in 1945 by Alfred Schuetz, a refugee from the Frankfurt School living in New York, like so many others. In the article he appropriates Wm James, GH Mead and J Dewey, whilst coming from the Pheneomenology of Husserl, to adapt the concepts of Pheneomenology to social theory. It is quite interesting. He remains, in my view within the orbit of Phenomenology, but readers will recognise significant points of agreement with AN Leontyev's Activity Theory. What he calls "Conduct" comes close to "Activity," and he introduces the concept of Action which is certainly the same as it is for CHAT, and instead of "an activity" (the 3rd level in ANL's system) he has "Project." But although this project has the same relation to Action, it is a subjectively derived project posited on the world, rather than project discovered in the world, and having a basically societal origin. This is the point at which I think he confines himself to Phenomenology, and fails to reach a real social theory. The whole business about "multiple realities" which gives the article its title is very tedious, but actually is valid in its basics I think.
Some of us on this list may appreciate him. He's a recent discovery for me.
*Andy Blunden*
Joint Editor MCA: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/hmca20/18/1
Home Page: http://home.mira.net/~andy/
Book: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1608461459/

Attachment: Alfred.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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