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[xmca] Fwd: Rethinking Columbus Banned in Tucson

So no study of Freire in school Mexican American Studies courses.! No critical studies of the past? This is appalling news.

From: "Rethinking Schools" <enewsletter@rethinkingschools.org>
Date: 19 January 2012 01:59:38 GMT
To: s.franklin@dsl.pipex.com
Subject: Rethinking Columbus Banned in Tucson
Reply-To: "Rethinking Schools" <enewsletter@rethinkingschools.org>
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Dear Rethinking Schools friends,

Did you see the news last week? On Friday, we learned that our book Rethinking Columbus was banned — along with other books used in Tucson's Mexican American Studies program, including Paulo Freire's A Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Rodolfo Acuña's Occupied America, and Elizabeth Martinez's 500 Years of Chicano History in Pictures. So we're in good company.
School authorities confiscated the books during class—boxed them up  
and hauled them off. As one student said, "We were in shock ... It  
was very heartbreaking to see that happening in the middle of class."
This is the latest chapter in the rightwing attempt to ban ethnic  
studies in Arizona. Last week, facing the loss of $15 million in  
state support, the governing board of Tucson's schools voted 4-1 to  
terminate the popular and successful Mexican American Studies program.
On Friday, I spoke to the Tucson school district's director of  
communications, who told me that the books had to be seized and  
carted away, because they were "evidence"—as if the teaching going  
on there were a crime scene. On Tuesday, the district protested  
that no books had been "banned"—although district officials  
admitted that they had been "boxed and stored" and could not be  
used in class. Sounds like "banning" to me.
Rethinking Schools is talking with teachers, students, and  
activists in Tucson about how we can help their struggle there. We  
will let you know as we gather ideas.
Do you have ideas to express support for Tucson teachers and  
students, and to organize opposition to Arizona's banning of  
Mexican American Studies and Tucson's confiscation of books in  
their curriculum? Please post ideas to the Rethinking Schools  
facebook page, or if you're not on facebook, e-mail me.
We'll follow up soon.

For more information, check out Jeff Biggers' Salon.com article, "Who's Afraid of 'The Tempest'?" Debbie Reese's, "Teaching Critical Thinking in Arizona: NOT ALLOWED," Biggers' Huffington Post interview with Tucson teacher Curtis Acosta, and my Rethinking Schools blog post.
Thanks for your important work.

Bill Bigelow

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