I want to share an article that may be interesting for linking pragmatism and cultural historical conversations. The article is by Vincent Colapietro written for the inaugural edition of a new journal. On page 17 he quotes Dalibor Veseley, "Situations are the RECEPTACLES of experience and of those events which SEDIMENT in them a meaning not just survivals or residuals but as an INVITATION to a sequel, the necessity of a future. Situations endow experience with DURABLE dimensions in RELATION TO which a whole series of other experiences will aquire meaning... The richness of situations depends on the reverberations of meaning through the DEPTHS OF THEIR HISTORY" (1983). Colapietro is highlighting the notion of "pragmatic intelligence" as having the courage to acknowledge we do NOT know what we are doing in THIS situation. Situated CREATIVITY requires nothing less than a renewed willingness to look afresh in the effort to see anew. This is as much A MORAL and political achievement as it is an intellectual or cognitive accomplishment. Colapietro is articulating a situation meaning approach in contrast to the "means-ends" ANTECEDENT perspective on situations. I hope others enjoy his elaboration of Hans Joas's ideas on creative agency within situations. Larry
DECEMBER 7 2011 COLAPIETRO VINCENT A Revised Portrait of Human Agency Hans Joas Creative Appropriation of the Pragmatic Approach.pdf
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