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Re: [xmca] LSV- Dynamic Assessment-Feurestein-Kozulin Article

Dear Members,
I have been a "read only" member for a long time, then ventured into discussion when a topic came up that I had some chance of joining. Perhaps, like many, I am too busy with school duties etc to have enough time to read articles and write something. Every topic is inviting, especially all this about Dynamic Assessment that is heating up quick! There were some mails that mentioned "Zoped" and even a mention of "potential" to replace "proxmate" for the p. Engelstrom (Tom Sawyer) and David Kellogg do this (see Mrs. Gaskell), and perhaps Vygotsky in his time (I have three of his books and havn't had time to even skim them)! good solid literary metaphors can provide tons of informative contextualizing. Politics slips in, too. L2 learning and testing is big -- evaluating competence as you go along and evaluating it to get funding are totally, absolutely DIFFERENT.
And I live in Japan, don't speak Japanese well enough to be a member, 
hey, I am not "a member";  I am "a visiting scholar" (who happens to be 
a Faculty member (weird ambiguities dog me at every step). I guess the 
point is, I don't know who the other "read only" people are and cannot 
guess at all if there would be repercussions at any level (or not!) but 
still feel I have to cloak whatever I talk about in deep metaphor, which 
nevertheless needs a key (allegoresis). I am more paranoid than I would 
like to be, but experiential learning is talked about and done (to some 
extent) but not the way I do it. For some reason, and I can't figure out 
why or how to get through the thicket (feels like a Dante metaphor being 
born). Anyway, it's not the metaphor, it's how you use/interpret it.
What this has to do with Achilles note (below) is there are a lot of us 
in very weirdly different situations. For example, I suddenly 
disappeared (vanished) with the onset of a strange disease just when I 
was beginning to think I could say something that fit into an on-going 
conversation, which is surely the best mailgroup/grouplist (I don't even 
know what it's called) I know, and am only back on-line after a long 
spate of rehabilitation -- but not back-to-normal due to memory loss and 
loss of certain cognitive skills. But as Mike shows in this answer and 
Achilles shows in his questions, let us by all means be as receptive, 
careful, and intuitive as possible because we all have certain kinds of 
filters, but they should only screen out the unacceptably unconnected, 
the rude (language and so on), and something (I'm not sure what) like 
"the casually dashed-off note without sufficient contextualizing for it 
to merge with an on-going thread" (just a patch-in).
This list makes me sure that there are people everywhere, maybe even 
here in the country where I reside, who are trying to do what I am 
trying to do, but I don't know where they are and if we are allowed to 
talk! That said, let's keep talking. L2 is really big in my world and 
TOEIC (to me) is a "dumbing down strategy" that makes me feel ill.
Valerie Wilkinson

Faculty of Informatics, Shizuoka University

(2010/11/28 13:32), mike cole wrote:
Oh! Achilles!
I apologize for projecting my understanding on to your situation. Of course,
we all do it all the time (see my interchange with Eugene where I completely
misinterpreted his meaning in a critical way. It is a great example of how
difficult x-cultural understanding is via internet text in English, never
mind face to face in a common language!!

In part I was caught by newspaper stories of government armored cars in
battles with favela gang members. That was the violence to which I was
referring. If the level of violence is exagerated here in the US, good.

In part I was also expressing my concern, in the note on dynamic assessment,
about economic and political linkages between what we do as (presumably)
well meaning scholars and what is done with the output of our work by
commercial interests.

Again, apologies for the misunderstanding. I mean no disrespect. Clearly
time to go off line!

On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 4:31 PM, Achilles Delari Junior<
achilles_delari@hotmail.com>  wrote:

Dear Prof. Michael Cole.
I don't understand what you are saying to me?I'm a pensioner because deep
health problems, I can notpay for this important studies. You can not
interpret thatI say that this is not valid. That I was suggesting the PIE is
not very nice. You can not understand something like this.
But I can not learn by this official way - for instance thereis not in Rio
and São Paulo, and Porto Alegre that stay themain PIE representants in
Brazil??? Where are they? I never know when you Mike, are trying to help or
joking with persons... I was only trying to stay in touch with your post.
And you call me about Rio.
There was no big planes destructing the Redemptor Christ in Rio, yet...
that I have the notice. I don't understand about what you are really talking
about. Sorry. I live in state Paraná almostMato Grosso do Sul, Almost
Paraguay.... I cant travel to Rioin order to help people in convulsive
social situation there.
And I really dont understand. This is not only because my bad English, but
I have no intelectual resources to understand yourstatements. This is what I
can finally conclude.

This is the last time I apologize to say something stupid here.
And you don'y need unsubscribe me, I will do this by myself bythe correct
Achilles Delari Junior.Umuarama, Paraná, Brazil.
Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2010 10:59:55 -0800
Subject: Re: [xmca] LSV- Dynamic Assessment-Feurestein-Kozulin Article
From: lchcmike@gmail.com
To: achilles_delari@hotmail.com
CC: xmca@weber.ucsd.edu

We read about the situation in Rio, Achilles, but it is difficult to feel
from so far away. Your note reminds us of the personal nature of the
violence and the conditions that engender it. At a distance it looks

You also remind me of the economic links of our practices intended to
"promote development"  if they are adopted outside of the academic hothouse.
Perhaps an automated DA program will be written and will become the favored
means of instruction at those high dollar DA academies you write of!

Invest now  :-)

On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 9:41 AM, Achilles Delari Junior<
achilles_delari@hotmail.com>  wrote:

Thank you very much, I was familiar with the idea of "dinamic assessment",
since article from Brown and Ferrara (1985), that I read around 1992-1993.
But until know, have not put nothing similar in practice.
Unfortunetally I am more emotionally ill than the people I hope someday to
help. I apreciate very much ideas from Feurstein too, but, in Brazil there
are no other way to learn "PEI - programa de enriquecimento instrumental"
"Program of Instrumental Enrichement" - without many many dolars... Then,
perhaps this article could give us some help and hope. For my friends that
are sufficiently strong to stay at the front...

Thank you very much.
Achilles from Brazil.

Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2010 09:12:30 -0800
From: lchcmike@gmail.com

To: xmca@weber.ucsd.edu
CC: alexk@icelp.org.il
Subject: [xmca] LSV- Dynamic Assessment-Feurestein-Kozulin Article

This summary by Alex Kozulin, taken from the web, may be helpful for those
who are unfamiliar with the notion of dynamic assessment that plays a
central role in the P&L article.


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