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[xmca] Style question - half the conclusion

OK. My conclusion now is this. You can compose email messages with style and the xmca mailman will *not* reject them or strip everything out of them.
But it ignores colour (NB Mike!) and now replaces the bold, italics and 
underline you do with your smart email application with the *simple 
style tags* which give some but not all mail clients the visual effect 
you wanted.
That's how it looks to me. If you didn't see any *bold*, italics or 
underline in this series of messages, then the problem in your own mail 
application, not ucsd. But I presume you did see the asterisks and so 
on, just not the effect they were meant to have.
Thanks to Bruce Jones for amending the settings on the xmca mailman!

Andy Blunden wrote:
Apologies for the repeated dumb messages. I have to try again to be certain I am seeing what I see.
This *text is bold and red*, but I have *NOT* used little asterisks to 
make the *bold*. .
Last test I promise.


Andy Blunden wrote:
OK, did everyone else see "this *bold*, this red, this /italics/, this _underlined_"?_
Andy Blunden wrote:
Oops, how about this *bold*, this red, this /italics/, this _underlined_.

Andy Blunden wrote:
There has been a change in the settings for xmca, so I have reset my Thunderbird settings so I can send formated text, let's see what happens, including this very long line..
*Bold Text*, Red Text, /Italics/ and _Underline_ in native fonts

*Bold Text*, /Italics/ and _Underline_ in simple format

<b>Bold</b>, <i>Italics</i> and <u>Underline</u> using HTML tags


Steve Gabosch wrote:
I saw no red text in Mike's message yesterday, and none of these examples show up for me as italics, bold or underlined.
I use a Macbook with the Apple Mail program.  I can send and 
receive this formatting when e-mail programs are compatible.  
Apple Mail deserves the T-shirt "Does not play well with others."
- Steve

On Sep 16, 2010, at 6:24 AM, Andy Blunden wrote:

Fellow XMCA-ers, can you tell me if /this word/ comes out in /italics/ and if _this word_ is _underlined_ and if *this* is *bold*?
_Let's try a second go_.
/And once more in italics/
*and again in bold*.

And can anyone tell me that they could see the red text in the comments Mike added to a message yesterday?
Please don't bother answering if someone else has already given 
the same answer as you would give.

*Andy Blunden*
Home Page: http://home.mira.net/~andy/
Videos: http://vimeo.com/user3478333/videos
Book: http://www.brill.nl/scss

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*Andy Blunden*
Home Page: http://home.mira.net/~andy/
Videos: http://vimeo.com/user3478333/videos
Book: http://www.brill.nl/scss

*Andy Blunden*
Home Page: http://home.mira.net/~andy/
Videos: http://vimeo.com/user3478333/videos
Book: http://www.brill.nl/scss

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