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[xmca] "Semiotic analysis" or "Semic analysis"?



In some inner meetings of Vygotsky's group, around 1932-33-34, there was an interesting claim from him about methodological problem of the analysis: "Семический
анализ есть единственный адекватный метод изучения системного и смыслового
строения сознания" = something like: "[Semicheskii] analysis is the only adequate method for the study of the systemic and [smyslovoe]  structure [or construction (?) = stroenie]" of consciousness - Well, in my Portuguese version I have a great problem not exactly because "stroenie" translation as "structure" - spite the word is not "struktura" - but mainly with "semicheskii" that was translated as "semiotic" and Vygotsky's word was not "semioticheskii" - French version translate the same "semitcheskii" has "sémantique" - but this is not so comfortable too, because "smyslovoe" in Portuguese was transformed in "semantic" too. But there is "semantika" and "semanticheskii" in Russian too, at least in present time. I don't know about actual familiarity of Vygotsky with terms such as "semiotics", "semantics", and so on, at that time...  How can we better translate "semicheskii analiz" today? Or, even better: by what methodological means did somebody actually proceed that kind of so important analysis, at that times? To what methodology Vygotsky concretely refereed with the term "semicheskii analiz" - "the only adequate method for the study of the systemic and "semantic" [smyslovoe]  "construction" [stroenie] of consciousness"... The only title in Russian around this matter that in find in Google search was: Аснин, В. И. & Запорожец, А. В. (1935). Семический анализ языковых значений, усвоенных в школе. Сборник исследований харьковской группы; не был опубликован - something like Asnin, V.I & Zaporozhets, A.V. (1935) Semicheskii analysis of linguistic (?) meanings, adopted in school. Collection of investigations of Kharkov's group. ---> but this was not published... Can I suppose that not only Vygotsky believed that "semicheskii analysis" was important, but even some people apply it in empirical research?  Ow, sure... I can found many entries to "semic analysis" in contemporary semiotic studies, but seems to be no much in a "genetic" approach... then I am very limited in choice an adequate translation, and even more limited in understand the actual concept... "semiotic analysis"(?), "analyse sémantique"(?), "semic analysis"(?) - this was not any kind of "concept formation" study, was it?

Thank you for your help, one more time.


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