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[xmca] RE: On Vygotsky from Sweden


Thanks for your interest in my paper with David Kellogg published in
Complicity. Unfortunately, I do not have access to students' work on
language learning based on Vygotsky. However, I am forwarding your note
to a listserv, XMCA, that focuses on scholarship related to the work of
Vygotsky. Perhaps some people on that list will have the information you
are interested in.


PS. As a student interested in Vygotsky and his theories on teaching,
you might be interested to join the XMCA listserv. You would certainly
be welcome. You can find information at http://lchc.ucsd.edu/mca/. 




From: Celestine Ndifor [mailto:c.ndifor@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 12:04 PM
To: David H Kirshner
Subject: On Vygotsky from Sweden


Hello Professor David Kirshner,


My name is Celestine and i am writing from Sweden after having read "Lev
Vygotsky as Muse to Complex Learning/Teaching ". I am a student of
pedagogy here in Sweden and currently writing my thesis on Vygotsky and
his theories on teaching. I will be very grateful if you have thesis
written by students on language learning based on Vygotsky, or suggest a
website from which i can search these. It will be great reading what
foreign students write on this topic.


Thanks a million,


Celestine Ndifor.

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