Re: [xmca] LPGA to GOP

From: Elinami Swai <swaiev who-is-at>
Date: Sat Sep 06 2008 - 10:50:29 PDT

David wrote, "In today's american politics decisions are not
made based on finances but rather emotions." Very true, they are doing
what Anthony D. Smith has described, 'ethno-symbolism,' trying to get
voters through cultural memory and symbolic practices --9/11; Iraq and
Republican prison experience, as if war and killings are virtues...


On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 12:18 PM, <> wrote:
> Hello David:
> I believe it is a sad statement of american politics that the republicans
> are committed to emotional talking points rather then substance. In fact
> it is the reason I shudder at any political ideas. Politics by nature is a
> dividing force in human relations. History shows this time and time again.
> These emotional talking points have a foundation in real life events but
> unfortunately the various levels of talking and public meetings stretch
> reality into the ethereal talking points heard in political speeches,
> unfortunately this will never change. This has long been my main argument
> against marxist ideas. As an explanatory theory of human relations it
> provides a good lens, but as a methodology for bringing about societal
> change it falls short. Quite frankly it is Marx's separation from man's
> soul that is the cell of his shortcomings. Well. . . . perhaps we can
> discuss this at another point, perhaps not.
> Back to the topic at hand; obviously the LPGA saw their language policy as
> a bad business decision. In today's american politics decisions are not
> made based on finances but rather emotions. If one reads tacitus's annuls
> about the government of rome it is riddled with emotions. Hmmmmm, makes
> you wonder who will be fiddling when D.C burns?
> To: xmca <>
> cc:
> bcc:
> Subject: [xmca] LPGA to GOP
> David Kellogg <>
> Sent by:
> 09/05/2008 08:49 PM MST
> Please respond to vaughndogblack <font size=-1></font>
> eric:
> The Ladies' Professional Golf Association has apparently dropped its
> English language requirement, originally designed to block Korean players
> from competing.
> But the Republican Party, rootling through the rubbish bins of the LPGA
> , have apparently retrieved it and affixed it to their party platform.
> "We support English as the official language in our nation, while welcoming
> the
> ethnic diversity in the United States and the territories, including
> language (sic). Immigrants should be encouraged to learn English."
> Hey, in a pinch, they could get jobs teaching it to Republicans.
> David Kellogg
> Seoul National University of Education
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Dr. Elinami Swai
Womens' and Gender Studies
University Hall 4220-A
The University of Toledo
Toledo, OH, 43606
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Received on Sat Sep 6 10:51 PDT 2008

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