Re: [xmca] agency redefined

From: Martin Packer <packer who-is-at>
Date: Sun Mar 16 2008 - 10:38:05 PDT


The excerpts from Activity, Consciousness, Personality are very interesting.
I must confess, though, that I get confused when Leontiev writes in these
terms: of the "subjective image" as a "reflection of reality." To western
ears/eyes it is very easy to assimilate this to the model of
knowledge/perception as a matter of mental representations. Bakhurst has a
good discussion of the notion of 'reflection' in Vygotsky, Leontiev, Lenin
et al., but I don't have it to hand. What are the connotations of the term
in Russian?

By the way, Latour agrees with you that humans have a capacity for
consciousness that objects do not. But he still argues that objects
(microbes, polypeptides, transportation systems) have much more of a variety
of forms of agency than we usually give them credit for.


On 3/15/08 1:01 AM, "varnam soupend" <> wrote:

> Luiz , Bruce , Martin ,
> For the past several nights , I 've not been able to use the Internet ; I
> had , therefore , to put my message in word format and now have to send it as
> an attachment . My apologies for the inconvenience !
> Heidi
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