[xmca] ISFC35 conference announcement, Sydney Australia, July 2008

From: Maria Herke <mariahc who-is-at mac.com>
Date: Sat Mar 15 2008 - 22:38:43 PDT


“Voices around the World”, ISFC35:



This year, the 35th ISFC will be hosted at Macquarie University,
Sydney, Australia. Once again, we would like to express our sincere
appreciation to those who have already submitted abstracts for
session papers, colloquia or workshops. We're still receiving the
incoming abstracts, and so far we have received submissions from more
than 26 countries representing regions all over the world. The
abstracts represent innovative, cutting-edge research in thematic
areas close to the hearts and heads of systemic functional linguists.

Remember, after you have received comments on your abstracts, you
will have an opportunity to produce a short paper to be included in
an electronic volume of refereed congress proceedings, which can then
be developed, after the congress, into hard-copy thematic volumes.
But, don’t forget … you can’t be published if you are not part of the

In addition to the publication, attendees at this year’s congress
will have the opportunity to become foundation members of a number of
proposed 'research & resource networks' to be developed through the
35th ISFC.

If you would like to become involved in these innovative networks as
well as have your research published in the proceedings, then it is
essential you submit your abstract to us by the final deadline, March
31, 2008.

Please make sure not to miss this opportunity to add your voice to
our exciting “Voices around the World” congress!

You will find guidelines for abstract structure and submission on the
ISFC35 website:


35th International Systemic Functional Congress

21 – 25 July 2008

Hosted by Department of Linguistics,

Macquarie University

xmca mailing list
Received on Sat Mar 15 22:41 PDT 2008

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