Re: [xmca] If all hopes are lost for establishing a more workable social system , then please tell me where A.N.Leontyev has gone wrong with his definition of "Personal Meaning"

From: Andy Blunden <ablunden who-is-at>
Date: Mon Mar 03 2008 - 22:04:31 PST

I think the various emancipatory movements of the 1950s/60/70s have great
deal to do with cultural difference and how cultural difference plays out
in development, but I think it is a mistake to single out one wing of one
of those movements in just one country, for special mention.
At 08:32 PM 3/03/2008 -0800, you wrote:
> ...
> I'm wondering whether you think an adequate knowledge of the Panthers
> is necessary for categorizing them as a what you call a "neoformation"
> . I personally find it somewhat suspicious. It's also hard for me to
> see how anyone can generalize from ideographic interpretations of
> classroom discourse to institutions that grew out of broad social
> movements even if one did have a good understanding of those institutions.
> cordially,
> Paul

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Received on Mon Mar 3 22:06 PST 2008

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