Re: [xmca] Radius of Subjectivity

From: Andy Blunden <ablunden who-is-at>
Date: Thu Nov 08 2007 - 16:44:59 PST

My reason for splurting the thought on to the list was the suspicion that
it was not original.
There are differences though. The idea of "radius" as a measure unites, for
example, both "society" and the "individual", which people regularly talk
about as two distinct levels needing some kind of bridge between them, and
you have people talking about "agency" in quite contradictory ways, using
the same word for what appears as two different things, but actually
involves different radii which has a continuous scale. Plus you mention a
trichotomy, but a quite different trichotomy to identity, agency and knowing.
At 03:17 PM 8/11/2007 -0800, you wrote:
> Great! But wait....
> What's the relationship between your "radii of subjectivity" (and my
> "event horizon" and Mike's and LSV's "social situation of learning"
> the terms proliferate!) and the trichotomy (if that is what it is)
> "operation", "action", and "activity"?
> That's my question!
> David Kellogg
> Seoul National University of Education
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