Dear Friends,
Here is a quote by Luria in Cole & Cole (Eds.), 1979, The Making of Mind (p. 174)
"Classical scholars are those who look upon events in terms of their constitutent parts. Step by step they single out important units and elements until they can formulate abstract general laws....One outcome of this approach is the reduction of living reality with all its richness of detail to abstract schemas....Romantic scholars' traits, attitudes, and stragegies are just the opposite. They do not follow the path of reductionism, which is the leading philosophy of the classical group. Romantics in science want neither to split living reality into its elementary components nor to represent the wealth of life's concrete events in abstract models that lose the properties of the phenomena themselves. It is of the utmost importance to romantics to preserve the wealth of living reality, and they aspire to a science that retains this richness."
I hope you will check out a book with predominately Russian voices on Luria: A. R. Luria and Contemporary Psychology: Festschrift Celebrating the Centennial of the Birth of Luria. T. Akhutina, et al, Editors. Nova Science: 2005.
Best wishes,
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