[xmca] Luria & the USSR

From: David Preiss (davidpreiss@puc.cl)
Date: Mon Mar 13 2006 - 13:45:09 PST

Dear XMCARs,
A class of mine was studying Luria by the last 2 weeks, Mike's DVD included,
and one of the questions that arose was that of the conclusions of the Asia
studies and whether the way they were skecthed in the book published by
Harvard's press in the late 1970s would have been the same in case the book
would have been published after the collapse of the Soviet Union. That is:
>From all what is said in the book, what can be attributed to the needs to
satisfy Soviet doctrine and what can be attributed to the real thinking of
Luria. Maybe it would help us to elarn what were the ideas related to that
study that kept it unpublished for so many years and whether they had to be
sublimated to reach final publication. I know that's a difficult question,
but maybe it can be answered by some of you here that knew Luria personally.
Feel free to reply to all since I am copying to my students. All of them
will be very grateful of your imputs.
David D. Preiss Ph.D.
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
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