I met Valerie Lowe at ISCAR last fall where she told me a little
about her film project on Vygotsky. She is sending the following
letter out to people she met there soliciting letters of support for
her project from potential end users. She needs these letters to
arrange financing. I thought people on xmca might be
interested. Val can be contacted at <phd-lowe@shaw.ca>.
- Steve Gabosch
My name is Valerie Lowe and I'm an educator in British Columbia,
Canada. I attended the First ISCAR Congress International Society for
Cultural and Activity Research held in Seville, Spain in September of
2005, where I met many of you for the first time.
The Conference gave me a chance to learn more about cultural
historical and activity theory, enjoy the beautiful city of Seville,
and provided me with the opportunity to conduct market research for a
documentary I'm producing about Lev Vygotsky: his life, theory and practice.
I'm currently arranging financing for the Vygotsky Documentary. For
some of the funding source requirements, I must provide letters of
support from potential end users of the product. My reason in
contacting you is to briefly outline the scope and purpose of the
documentary, and to request a letter of support from you. The letter
of support can be an email that simply states: who you are, your
place of employment or setting where a Vygotsky Documentary could be
used, and your interest in or support of a Vygotsky Documentary. In
your letter of support, you do not need to agree to order the product
just that you believe that such a product has merit.
The documentary is geared towards two audiences. First, towards
University and College students who read text about Vygotsky and
cultural historical theory, but could benefit from a visual story
about the life of Lev Vygotsky and examples of his theory in practice.
The second audience is for TV stations that focus on knowledge based
programming-in Canada we have several of these outlets, the ones I
will work with are BC's Knowledge Network and TV Ontario.
The story about Vygotsky will cover three areas: his early years and
personal life, his theory and research, and his practice. Exploring
Vygotsky's early years will occur through pictures and interviews
with historians, his daughter Gita, and students. The video will
approach the research and theory of cultural historical through
interviews with scholars in the field from around the world. The
final portion of the documentary will focus on innovative and
exciting Vygotsky past practice (ex. footage of "Butterflies of
Zygorsk") and present practice throughout the world.
If you have any further questions or need clarification, please fell
free to contact me.
If you are able to provide a letter of support, I must have all the
letters no later than Feb. 26, 2006.
Thanks so much for your attention and support.
Valerie (Val) Lowe, M.Ed.
PHD Productions
xmca mailing list
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