[xmca] Hayles/Post-human

From: Mary K. Bryson (mary.bryson@ubc.ca)
Date: Mon Oct 31 2005 - 06:58:38 PST

On 10/30/05 5:50 PM, "Mike Cole" <lchcmike@gmail.com> wrote:

> Mary-- How do we collectively get our eyes coordinated on "Becoming
> post-human"? That seems important
> mike

-A podcast of a lecture by N. Katherine Hayles in which she introduces and
explains her concept of the "post-human".


--the book -- N. Katherine Hayles. How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies
in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics. Chicago: Chicago UP, 1999

--An Interview-- http://www.press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/borghayl.html
An interview/dialogue with Albert Borgmann and N. Katherine Hayles on humans
and machines.

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