Re: Butterflies and life

From: Kevin Rocap (
Date: Tue Apr 05 2005 - 07:26:57 PDT

Dear Dorie,

Thanks for your comments. I do agree that it is a complex complex that
Rodriguez articulates. ;-) As my comments to Nate suggest I appreciate
the nuance and the complexity of his own experiences and his ability to
articulate them in most of their complexity. It is his conclusions and
then the political stands he takes which I take more issue with. But
perhaps I would find something new in his video essays; I have not seen
those. Thanks for mentioning them.

In Peace,

Dorie Evensen wrote:

> Kevin - I agree (although I think Rodriguez' position is a bit more
> complex - at least as it is represented through his video essays) -
> but his seduction is interested in comparison to the situation of the
> students in the example Yrjo offers (the Hoeg narrative) - both
> suggest a violence that is implicit (or maybe it's explicit) in the
> process of development.
> Dorie
> At 05:36 PM 4/4/2005, you wrote:
>> Dear Dorie, David, et al,
>> Actually one of the striking things about Rodriguez's book, imho, is
>> that it is a well-wrought chronicle of one who, though extremely
>> articulate, ultimately seems to reflect a near perfect form of
>> internalized oppression. While he recounts painful experiences of
>> having his race/ethnicity/cultural values ripped apart or ripped
>> away, rather than condemn the oppressor he, instead, chooses to
>> embrace the notion that assimilation at the expense of family and
>> cultural ties is "the way" and now reflects that viewpoint in his
>> politics being often anti-bilingual education or anti-affirmative
>> action, etc.
>> Rather than critique the oppression itself; he seems to embrace it
>> and lend his political voice to its work.
>> In Peace,
>> K.
>> Dorie Evensen wrote:
>>> David - The book is about the author's experience as a child of
>>> Mexican immigrants educated in quite traditional Catholic schools in
>>> California (1960s). It's the story of his "losing" his family and
>>> ethnicity as he came to embrace the discourse of traditional (and
>>> mostly classic) education. The book has undergone criticisms
>>> because of Rodriguez' position against affirmative action - he was
>>> admitted to (now here is where my memory fades), I think, Yale (I
>>> also think it was a graduate program) under affirmative action
>>> protocols - his argument is that af. ac. should not be for people
>>> like him. He winds up refusing the position. Rodriguez works now
>>> for the Pacific News Service and does occasional essays on the The
>>> News Hours (PBS). What remains with me about the book is his vivid
>>> sense of loss coupled with a strong desire for the new development
>>> he is so aware of having experienced.
>>> Dorie
>>> At 05:02 PM 4/4/2005, you wrote:
>>>> Dorie,
>>>> Sorry for not knowing the person, but could you please say more about
>>>> this book?
>>>> David
>>>> David Preiss
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile:
>>>> PACE Center at Yale University:
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>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Dorie Evensen []
>>>> Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 1:38 PM
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: Re: Butterflies and life
>>>> I wonder if people think that Richard Rodriguez' autobiography, Hunger
>>>> of
>>>> Memory, provides some insights into losses associated with
>>>> development?
>>>> Dorie
>>>> At 01:28 PM 4/4/2005, you wrote:
>>>> >Well, those butterflies and some notion of an elsewhere or other that
>>>> >is unfettered... Would that it were so. I am especially fond of the
>>>> >Monarchs -- an endangered species precisely as they travel across
>>>> >space. Actually, the butterflies - we could think of them as
>>>> actants in
>>>> >some species of ANT - part of the system and with no autonomous
>>>> agency
>>>> >-- feed along the way on milkweed, treated with pesticides as a
>>>> >"noxious weed", as well as genetically-modified corn that produces a
>>>> >protein toxic to the larvae of monarchs, and their habitat in their
>>>> >wintering grounds in Mexico is being lost to devastating logging,
>>>> >resulting in a huge drop in the population of Monarchs.
>>>> >
>>>> >And so here we have a kind of cautionary tale about the impacts of
>>>> >"development" <science, construction, the economy> on forms of
>>>> life and
>>>> >living. The kinds of loss produced by "development" produces an
>>>> >interesting line of inquiry.
>>>> >
>>>> >Mary
>>>> >
>>>> >On 4/3/05 7:48 PM, "Marie Judson" <> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > > It does relate to the topic, Kris, in the sense that
>>>> > > the butterflies come across the border freely, unlike
>>>> > > the humans.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Marie
>>>> > >
>>>> > > --- Kris Gutierrez <> wrote:
>>>> > >
>>>> > >> FOR THOSE OF US IN THE SOUTHWEST and hopefully
>>>> > >> something else to
>>>> > >> ponder: KRIS
>>>> > >>
>>>> > >> Soldados Mexicanos Muertos en Irak" (Xenophobes of
>>>> > >> the Minutemen
>>>> > >> Project want to play soldiers on the
>>>> > >> Arizona-Mexico border, hunting
>>>> > >> down "illegal aliens." Meanwhile, Mexicans are
>>>> > >> dying in Iraq for the
>>>> > >> US government) -- FULL TEXT:
>>>> > >>
>>>> > >
>>>> <>
>>>> > >>
>>>> > >> irak.html>
>>>> > >> --
>>>> > >>
>>>> > >> Kris D. Gutierrez
>>>> > >> Professor
>>>> > >> GSE&IS
>>>> > >> Moore Hall 1026
>>>> > >> UCLA
>>>> > >> Los Angeles, CA 9009501521
>>>> > >> 310-825-7467
>>>> > >
>>>> > >
>>>> > >
>>>> > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>> > > Marie Judson
>>>> > > Ph.D. Candidate
>>>> > > Department of Communication
>>>> > > UCSD, Mailcode 0503
>>>> > > 858.643.9090
>>>> > >
>>>> > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>> > >

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