Bill, it is a compelling story. Teachers have always been my heroes
(except for my Willie Nelson period when it was cowboys). The tragedy is
that Cindy had to leave the classroom, for the greater (we hope) good.
The "galoots" in charge of the funding prevail in the short run, but
perhaps another door opens.
By the way, the term "breaking away" in the bicycle track race world
refers to a temporary sprinting ahead of the pack so that the bicycle
can be handed off to another member of the team without impediment. The
fit may be closer than I imagined........djc
Don Cunningham
Indiana University
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 3:21 AM
Subject: RE: breaking away
Thanks Don for the kudo. I thought about your legend on the way out
here to sleepless seattle. It's more than your mind, for sure. What I
find so challenging is to make any contribution at all -- when reading
halliday tonight it was deja vu all over again -- like reading others,
some of whom are on this list -- analogically it's like walking through
a forest of redwoods and wondering if there is any patch of sunlight not
already appropriated by a giant.
> I hope my little intrusion last evening will not distract folks from
> looking at the paper Bill sent. It is certainly worth a read!
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