Ruth, Gary, and Bill,
Believe me I understand the cultural emphasis which can determine a person's
intelligence and the best practice for measururing and whether what we are
measuring is intelligence or merely the skill of being able to repsond in a
culturally appropriate manner. But from the standpoint of someone who is
responsible for both assessing and providing subsequent service for those who
qualify I am telling the those of you who construct theory that at the point
of practice if there hasn't been any data gathered using a positivist
methodology then often what is gathered is charged with emotional baggage.
Yes, sometimes emotions come into play and actually can be helpful. However,
if gut feelings are all that is used to plan for a client's service then the
plan will waiver with the person's current emotions. Therefore, the way I
see it, service providers need to be able to measure some ablities that
remain somewhat constant over time. If not intellectual potential, then what?
More to follow,
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