I'll be away 18th-25th Sept, but as that comes in the middle of the two
sections that need not be a problem. I've also written half of a long post
commenting on some issues arising from Laszlo's paper and, as everyone has
access to that now and Mike has started the ball rolling, why not start the
discussion now?
That would also allow us to divide the reading into three or four chunks
instead of two inside the same time frame. One reason I tend not to
participate in the book discussions is that I always fall behind with the
reading - I don't know if others have the same problem, but I think smaller
chunks of what is a quite dense text might help boost participation.
What do others think?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nate" <vygotsky@home.com>
To: <xmca@weber.ucsd.edu>
Sent: 22 August 2001 13:52
Subject: Re: crisis/crises
> Yes.
> I think a great place to begin would be Laszlo. Dividing the process into
3 parts seems best - Lazzlo's paper, 1-9 of Crisis (60 pages), 10-14 of
crisis (50+ pages).
> Mike mentioned the 1st but that's a Saturday followed by Labor day. The
week after would give a little more time to prepare. We could then spend
about a week on each and dedicate September to discussing the crisis.
> If so, it would look like this
> Sept 9-15: Laszlo paper
> Sept 16-22: Crisis 1-9
> Sept 23-29: Crisis 10-14
> Nate
> At 02:06 AM 8/22/01, you wrote:
> >Also, dear friends
> >
> >Not to pour sugar in the petrol tank, but mightn't it be appropriate to
> >discuss the paper offered by -
> >*Another crisis in the psychology*
> >http://www.jate.u-szeged.hu/~garai/Vygotskyboom.htm
> >
> >- as a preliminary to the discussion of Vygotsky's *Crisis* that was born
> >from Mike's fruitful misreading of my previous posting of the URL for
> >Laszlo's paper.
> >
> >Vygotsky is dead, and will thus not be able to enjoy our discussion - he
> >can wait another week, right?
> >
> >Eva
> >
> >
> >At 20.49 -0700 01-08-21, Kevin Rocap scrobe:
> >>Dear friends,
> >>
> >>Not to jump the gun, but just FYI, Vygotsky's paper is available at:
> >>
> >>http://marxists.org/archive/vygotsky/works/crisis/
> >>
> >>In Peace,
> >>K.
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