Re: crisis/crises

From: Eva Ekeblad (
Date: Wed Aug 22 2001 - 00:06:07 PDT

Also, dear friends

Not to pour sugar in the petrol tank, but mightn't it be appropriate to
discuss the paper offered by Laszlo -
*Another crisis in the psychology*

- as a preliminary to the discussion of Vygotsky's *Crisis* that was born
from Mike's fruitful misreading of my previous posting of the URL for
Laszlo's paper.

Vygotsky is dead, and will thus not be able to enjoy our discussion - he
can wait another week, right?


At 20.49 -0700 01-08-21, Kevin Rocap scrobe:
>Dear friends,
>Not to jump the gun, but just FYI, Vygotsky's paper is available at:
>In Peace,

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