At 13.27 +1000 01-08-22, Phil Graham scrobe:
>I wonder if (even by simple inversion) we
>might ask the question "why are people who march to their own drummer and
>do not accept cultural norms considered to be mentally ill"? OR less
>simplistically, "what kinds of disrhythmic marchings or cultural norm
>rejectings might be considered symptomatic of mental illness?" OR "to what
>degree do the violent rhythms of highly technologised and regimented
>cultures produce nervous recoilings in the human organism and concomitant
>refusals to march, to conform, or even to continue?"
Reminds me of the article you posted over your newsletter a while ago, Phil.
I read the whole thing, and also visited the website to look at his
postings to the mailinglist he set up when he was undergoing electroshock
therapy in 1995. If we want to discuss this topic, his might be a concrete
case, which is already in the public domain.
> A U T O B I O G R A P H Y O F M A D N E S S
> public story. public facts. public individual. public domain.
> no copyright. 2001. no permissions necessary. please redistribute.
> brian thomas carroll. electromagnetic researcher.
> a work in progress. version 8.7.2001
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