Hi all
My equipment may be a bit oldfashioned, so I had to grope around a bit in
order to dig the link out of Laszlo's attachment. In cases like those I
always assume others may have problems. too, so here it is:
I would heartily encourage the list to return to the thread about *Crisis
in Psychology* - I think it can nicely coexist with the other current
threads. So those of you who contributed to that thread previously, might
you join in again? And Laszlo: it might be a good move if you, yourself,
pointed the list to what is, for you, the most important point that you
would like to bring under discussion. I'm speaking from my experience of
how this list and mailinglists in general work, and what has good chances
of sparking discussion.
For my own part I feel most responsible for the thread on list statistics
and "lurkerdom" tha I have started, so I will spend the rest of today's
list time on that.
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