Re: relevance to LBE

From: Paul H.Dillon (
Date: Sat Apr 28 2001 - 11:15:59 PDT


My message concerning my experiences with the small project up here
certainly did redirect the discussion onto the specific situation of the
ZPD. Why people don't take the question of contradictions that I presented
in that example into the LBE direction is something I have no control over.
I think it is very relevant here and in particular since YE wrote in Ch. 3:

"A provisional reformulation of the zone of proximal development is now
possible: It is the distance between the everyday actions of the individuals
and the historically new form of the societal activity that can be
collectively generated as a solution to the double bind potentially embedded
in everyday actions." (174)

What I was pointing to in that example had to do precisely with how that
double-bind first comes to be an issue for those kids (and thereby a
potential contradiction for generating transformation) since their everyday
actions don't include participation in the "new form of the societal
activity". As the girl told me, "I don't have nothin' to do with computer
stuff." And there is an additional Catch-22 (if not exactly a double bind)
insofar as participation in the new form of societal activity presupposes a
certain skills.

I can't help it if people want to continue to look at the hole and not the

Paul H. Dillon

"hmmmmmm, donuts" - Homer Simpson

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