Re: . rrrrrRe: reflection (on ending duels - still belabouring)

From: Nate Schmolze (
Date: Sat Apr 28 2001 - 06:44:23 PDT

Phil, Judy,

I agree with both of you. I agree that we cannot comprehend
without the process of interpretation, but then the opposite is
not necessarily true. We may interpret of given situation
without comprehending all it entails.

I think as Paul hinted (maybe not explicitly)is that this was
exactly where techie was at - assuming comprehension could
occur outside of interpretation.

I have done video editing, scanning, audio etc but am not sure
reading how it is being taught in this context, if I truely
comprehend it. Yet, I converted all the home movies into
digital format for a CD, use Gimp regularily etc and often
don't use a ruler.

I'll add another example. Yesterday I was creating an image map
for my website. I had it
all set up correctly or so I thought with stuff like,

<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="140,1,170,60" ALT="Oh, check out the
Liger Project" HREF="">

Well it was not working right - clicking on one button gave me
the address for another etc. So, like Paul argued in order to
interpret what was going on I had to comprehend that we were
talking about a 600 * 60 png (kill the gifs) graphic (ruler

Where I have a difficult time in Paul's argument in that
interpret is seen too oppossitional to comprehension. It would
seem to me that while their seperate and in a dialectical
relationship that in practice they can not be easily seperated.

I also think of various debates on XCMA in which the long
process of interpretation brings one to comprehension. I think
now I am in a better position to comprehend some members
arguments than lets say a year ago, but this was not without a
lot of interpretations built up upon each other. I think the
process is as important as the end here.

So, I would say that while intepretation is not comprehension
it is not possible without it. And likewise comprehension is
not worth anything if we can't interpret it to a given
situation. And as Paul points out that comprehension is
necessary for interpretation (image map).


Why were all the dogs kicked out of the White House?
They kept peeing on the Bushes.
-Enlightened Second Grader -

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