Re: translation issues

From: Alfred Lang (
Date: Mon Oct 16 2000 - 23:57:35 PDT

Hello Ana,

great to see you participating in this list! How are you going?

>How about "object-oriented activity" for "predmetnaya deyatelnost"??
>It is not "objective" in the sense English word has - but "related
>to objects" therefore:"object-oriented"

In reference to subject matter and context there are two reasons to
prefer object-related.

1) Object-oriented emphasizes the perspective from the subject to the
object. In the first instance this seems to fit into the idea of
activity. Second gaze makes clear that activity is a two way process.
Object-related is more neutral in this respect.

2) Object-oriented is used as a technical term in Computerese. In
fact, with a very interesting meaning, especially in the context of
relational systems. We may discuss that at a later occasion. Let me
just say, the meaning object-oriented aims at would contradict the
kind of relations AT assumes: that there is an active subject and a
passive object. In the (technical) notion of object-orientation, this
distinction is given up. Object-oriented clusters of code are both
passive data and active programs, implying the any such cluster of
code is as well an object-like entity subjecting itself to being
treated by other such clusters and a subject-like entity
knowledgeable about its potential in certain object domains and thus
capable of treating other suitable clusters accordingly. I should add
that in my view this is something we should probe in understanding
the relation between complex systems such as persons and their
environment. It may in fact be a much more symmetrical relationship
than our subject-object and active-passive language and world view


Alfred Lang, Psychology, Univ. Bern, Switzerland ---

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