>Please call attention to this advertisement nationally and
>internationally. Allan Luke
>(Continuing Position)
>Reference Number 51400
> The Graduate School of Education is seeking applications for the
>position of Lecturer/Senior Lectuere (Level B/C) in Teacher Education at
>UQ Ipswhich. The successful candidate will take a leadership position
>in the new Middle School teacher education program, which includes an
>internship, field-based instruction, on-line study, and practicum
>engagement via an activist, multi-agency community centre.
> The appointee will be responsible for providing Teacher Education
>leadership and for developing, implementing and teaching key components
>in the School's Bachelor of Educaiton (Middle Years of Schooling) and
>the Bachelor of Education (Graduate entry) secondary teacher preparation
>program. Other duties will include liaising and networking with
>relevant educational and community institutions, supervising
>postgraduate coursework and research students, and contributing to the
>School's international research profile with specific reference to
>teacher education policy and pedagogy.
> Applicants should possess a higher degree in education (preferably a
>PhD), together with teacher qualifications and relevant recent teacher
>education experience. The School is interested in candidates with a
>strong research record and specific expertise in the field of Teacher
>Education and in teaching and teacher preparation in the Middle Years of
>Schooling. The ability to contribute to postgraduate coursework
>programs and supervise research students is essential.
> It is envisaged that the appointee will take up duties on 1 January
>2001 or as soon as possible thereafter. Salary will be within the range
>Lecturer (Level B) A$50,774-$60,294 per annum or Senior Lecturer (level
>C) A$62,198 - $71,718 per annum, plus employer superannuation
>contributions of 17%.
> For further information including a position description and
> selection
>criteria, please email: Ms. Lara Atzeni at 1.atzeni@mailbox.uq.edu.au
>or telephone (07) 3365-6504.
> Applications (an original plus seven copies) should be forwarded
> to the
>Personnel Officer, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, The
>University of Queensland, Brisbane Qld 4072, Australia. Please quote
>Reference Number 51400, address the selection criteria, and include a
>resume and the names and contact details (phone, fax and email) of three
>(3) referees. Closing date for applications: 13 October 2000.
> Allan Luke
> Professor & Head of School
> Graduate School of Education
> Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
> Social Sciences Building
> The University of Queensland
> Brisbane, Queensland
> Australia 4072
> Phone +61 7 33656227
> FAX +61 7 33657199
> a.luke@mailbox.uq.edu.au
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