appropriate material

Mike Cole (mcole who-is-at
Sat, 11 Sep 1999 11:11:56 -0700 (PDT)

In the process of trying to unflomox myself about what is and is not
appropirate to volunteer for a discussion paper I recalled why this
list is called xmca and not xlchc. Just as the former LCHC Newsletter
shifted to the larger responsibility of becoming MCA, so we thought
that the naturally decentered way to pursure our scholarly interactions
was to link MCA to XMCA. In each case, the result is a more varied and
multi-perspectival entity with more distributed roles, controls, and

Seems like given that context, we might say that whatever might seem
appropriate for MCA would be a pretty fair set to start from in trying
to guess if a paper will or will not be generative of useful capital
formation (thanks nate) for both author and other discussion members.

And then hope for enlightening surprises.
Just a thought while being silent to the text I am supposed to be writing.