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Hi Linda--
Thanks a lot for the references of the teachers' networks! Sorry for being
> Eugene, perhaps our class could interact on some of this sometime.
Yes. Let's talk about that!
Eugene Matusov
School of Education
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716
Office (302) 831-1266
Fax (302) 831-4445
email ematusov who-is-at udel.edu
Website http://ematusov.eds.udel.edu/
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Linda Polin [mailto:lpolin@pepperdine.edu]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 1999 12:53 PM
> To: xmca who-is-at weber.ucsd.edu
> Subject: RE: Problem Based Learning
> Eugene (and everyone),
> There are two interesting teacher lists, imho: NCSS (the national council
> on the social studies) and the Getty ArtsEdNet. BOth lists invariably find
> themselves discussing every subject matter sooner or later, including
> terrific discussions of culture and politics of education itself. I still
> think it would be interesting for some of us to either watch and disc. in
> here (or in class) what goes on in there, and to try to figure
> out if we're
> figuring it out... a kind of virtual participant observation. NCSS is
> joined via http://www.ncss.org/links/listserv.html and GEtty via
> http://www.artsednet.getty.edu/ArtsEdNet/Connections/how.html
> This year I lead an action research course that we strung out over the
> school year rather than lump together in one 3 or 4 unit course. It served
> as a do-gather-reflect seminar alongside other coursework. It was
> extremely
> powerful as a mechanism for self-transformation, as reported by the
> students (grad. students in education.. some in the software
> industry, some
> in higher ed, some in K-12 teaching). The power was not my
> teaching nor the
> content, but the occasioning of a particular stance which is uncommon in
> formal education: tme to watch and think about and talk about one's
> practice and ideas over an extended period of time. We all agree
> to call it
> an "out of body experience" in honor of the course mascots: Mulder and
> Sculley.
> Linda
> ps
> Eugene, perhaps our class could interact on some of this sometime.
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FN:Eugene Matusov
ORG:Univerity of Delaware;School of Education
TITLE:Assistant Professor
TEL;WORK;VOICE:(302) 831-1266
TEL;PAGER;VOICE:(302) 229-6040
TEL;WORK;FAX:(302) 831-4445
Education=3D0D=3D0AUniverity of Delaware;Newark;DE;19716;USA
Education=3D0D=3D0AUniverity of Delaware=3D0D=3D0ANewark, DE=3D
EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET:ematusov who-is-at udel.edu