re: sensory standard
Konopak (jkonopak who-is-at
Wed, 24 Mar 1999 16:05:12 -0600
At 10:49 AM 3/24/99 -0700, you wrote:
>re: "In looking at those artifacts, it's clear to me that there are
questions of
>power and voice in who determines the standard."
>My favorite voice on this is Raymond Williams, who wrote about "standards"
>that they are
>the banners beneath which we ride to battle and constituted by
>political allegiances and alliances than "truth"
>Raymond Williams
>verso press
i recently had occasion to reply to someone on the subject that (imho)
"standards" are always flexible and arbitrary conventions used primarily to
ensure that too many of those to whom they are to be applied do not qualify
to question or benefit from them...
leftrev k