PS's The reader, the text and the context in portuguese

Ricardo Ottoni (rjapias who-is-at
Mon, 08 Mar 1999 21:39:44 -0300

Dear Peter,

Tonight I received an answer from Professor Jacques.
He told me, as you can read below, that your article was accepted=20
by Revista da FAEEBA councelors to be published in next number.=20
However, he asks you to consider the possiblity of making a brief=20
version of it with no more than 30 pages (WORD 97) because there is only=20
that space to all articles published on it.=20

It will be necessary a translation to Portuguese that they do not have=20
money to pay (You may know about MIF contract with Brazil. Too much=20
money to be invested in research and education were cut. U$ 1, 00 =3D R$=20
1,90!). But I myself can make it freely with some english teachers=20
friends of mine just because I think "American Cultural Psychology=20
School" needs to be more known here than it is today. And also because =20
in your article you present a very interesting approach of scenic arts
(dance) in education that put some light over teens' cultural=20
development process.=20

I ask you, please, think with affinity on the possibility of making the=20
brief version.

I hope to hear very soon from you because there's much work to do on=20
translating it to Portuguese. We (my friends and me) have to present the=20
portuguese version until march 30.

Consider the importance of your contributtion to many teachears, arts=20
educators and psychologists from Brazil that do not have access to=20
scientific production in english.



Jacques Jules Sonneville wrote:
> Caro Ricardo,
> Ref. ao artigo sobre o tema TEXTO, LEITOR E CONTEXTO - (The Reader, the
> Text, the Context: An Exploration of a Choreographed Response to Litera=
> a decis=E3o do conselho =E9 favor=E1vel =E0 publica=E7=E3o de trabalho.=
Voc=EA pode tomar
> as provid=EAncias necess=E1rias para a tradu=E7=E3o do artigo. O consel=
heiro acha
> que, sendo que o trabalho =E9 complexo, vai precisar de um tradutor de =
> qualidade. Quanto ao custo desta tradu=E7=E3o, a Revista n=E3o assume n=
> compromisso.
> ATEN=C7=C3O: Deve pedir para os autores encurtarem o texto para 30 p=E1=
ginas (o
> m=E1ximo que a revista aceita): podar a bibliografia, etc...
> Ainda n=E3o tive tempo para olhar seu texto sobre a marujada. Em breve =
> Um abra=E7o,Jacques