conference info

Peter Smagorinsky (smago who-is-at
Tue, 25 Aug 1998 12:17:41 -0400

.>NCTE Assembly for Research Midwinter Conference
>February 26-28, 1999
>Talking, Reading, Writing and Race: =20
>Contributions of Literacy Research to Racial Understanding
> We are all aware of the racial, socioeconomic, and language
>differences which separate and can potentially alienate students from each
>other and students from their English/language arts teachers. It is time
>take inventory of our approach to these issues as a research community, to
>establish a collective commitment, to share research strategies and
>projects. The Ebonics debate, the bilingual education debate, the
>censorship battles threatening the use of texts in classrooms which
>seriously address racial issues, the return to exclusive phonics=
>as a response to low achievement scores in schools serving majority
>populations of students of color -- these headlines and sound bites=
>us and our voice as a community of researchers is currently muffled,
>fragmentary, or marginalized. What are we currently doing? What can be
> Teachers turn to or conduct research to guide them in addressing
>instructional issues like the following: How can I use the study of
>multicultural literature to promote racial understanding while not
>sacrificing the development of literary understanding and reading skill?=20
>How do I sensitively and effectively approach dialectal differences in my
>students=D5 writing? How can I encourage my students of color to lead=
>literate lives while not sacrificing their sense of self in classroom,
>community, culture, and social relationships and context? What can I do to
>broaden my understanding so that I am less fearful about discussing racial
>differences and identity issues with my students? What can I do to improve
>the school achievement of my students of color? What questions should I be
>asking about what I am teaching and why I am teaching that might lead to a
>more accepting, challenging, and productive literacy community in my
>classroom? As researchers, what response do we have to these questions?=20
>What projects, approaches, research, strategies, methods, theories are
>guiding us and should guide us in the future? At this conference, we
>promise provocative and safe opportunities to share teaching and research
>projects and concerns.
>Featured Speakers:
>Michele Fine, Carlton Jordan, and Dana Sherman
>Courtney Cazden
>Marilyn Sternglass
>Gloria Ladson-Billings
>Arlette Willis
>Victoria Purcell-Gates
>Melanie Sperling
>Patricia Enciso Additional Speakers:
>Kris Gutierrez
>Deborah Appelman
>Russel Durst
>Carol Lee
>Preconference conversations and presentations by the Indiana Teacher
>Research Collaborative and the Brookline Teacher Seminar. Roundtable
>presentations/working sessions to share current work-in-progress. For
>conference information please contact Stuart Greene or Dawn Abt-Perkins at
>the addresses below.
>Call for Roundtable Proposals for the Midwinter conference:
>Roundtable proposals should address methodological or theoretical issues in
>conducting literacy research in relation to this year=D5s conference
>discussion. In progress work is welcome. Consider this an opportunity to
>share questions, issues or research problems about specific projects.=20
>Proposals (2 single-spaced page limit) should address the following: How
>will you contribute to the conference conversation through the presentation
>of your work? What research issue or problem will you be addressing? How
>can you summarize the work you have already completed on the project? Send
>one copy of your proposal to each of the following by September 1, 1998:
>Stuart Greene =20
>University of Notre Dame
>112 E.J. DeBartolo Hall
>Notre Dame, IN 46556
>stuart.greene.19 who-is-at Dawn Abt-Perkins
>Lake Forest College
>555 N. Sheridan Road
>Lake Forest, IL 60045
>abtperkins who-is-at
>Conference Registration Form
>Name: _________________________________________________________________
>Address: _______________________________________________________________
>Work Phone: ( ) _________ Home Phone: ( ) __________ Fax: ( )
>E-mail: ________________________________________________________________
>Institutional/School Affiliation:
>Departmental Affiliation:
>Will you be requesting hotel accommodation at Hotel Allegro? Yes _____ No
>Have you previously attended the Midwinter Conference? Yes _____ No _____
>Are you currently a member of the Assembly? Yes _____ No _____
>Membership includes two newsletters. =20
>Would you like to become a member? Yes ____ No _____
>If yes, see membership form on page 2 of this newsletter.
>Conference Fees:
>Regular rate (for assembly members): $90.00
>($110.00 on site)
>Rate for non-members: $105.00 ($125.00 on
>Full time student rate*: $60.00
>($80.00 on site)
>* conference fee includes free Assembly membership for one year
>Registration checks are nonrefundable. Registration will be closed when
>enrollment cap (room capacity) is reached. Registration Deadline: =
>1, 1999
>Conference: Regular: $ __________
> Non-member $ __________
> Student: $ __________
>Please make checks payable to NCTERA. Mail registration form and fees to:
>Stuart Greene
>University of Notre Dame
>112 E.J. DeBartolo Hall
>Notre Dame, IN 46556
>stuart.greene.19 who-is-at
>Hotel Information:
>Hotel Allegro (formerly the Bismarck Hotel)
>171 West Randolph Street
>Chicago, Illinois
>Reservations: (800) 643-1500
>Conference rate: $95.00 (must reserve room by January 26 to receive
>conference rate)