Shoshana Felman's (1987) _Jacque Lacan and the adventure of insight:
Psychoanalysis in contemporary culture_ (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard
University Press)
It's one of the most accessible texts I've ever read on psychoanalsyis, and
she talks about the issue of "bonding" in terms of identification; and
she also has interesting ideas about "ignorance":
"Ignorance is no longer simply opposed to knowledge: it is itself a radical
condition, an integral part of the very structure of knowledge...Ignorance
is linked to what is not remembered, what will not be memorized. But what
will not be memorized is tied up with repression, with the imperative to
forget...Ignorance is not a passive state of absence, a simple lack of
information; it is an active dynamic of negation..." (p. 78-79)
Felman goes on to consider the relation between ignorance, and
interpersonal relationships, particulary student-teacher relations, and the
issue of identification.
It is a "teacher-as-parent" model, in terms of the significance of the
"primary object" of attachment.
Da point? da point? well this is an example of the relation between
"emotion" and "cognition", I reckon;
but the implication is that they are not distinct. Even if I were to reduce
"cognition" to a series of neural associations, these associations will be
figured through an affective impulse, a desire, a state -
a condition organized by internal and external relations interacting,