Re: fluency in writing
Kate (SLAHC who-is-at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU)
Thu, 12 Feb 98 11:00:06 EST
You might take a look at "Learning to Write, Writing to Learn
(J. Mayher, N. Lster, G. Pradl, Boynton/Cook, 1983). They were
interested in the fluency-clarity-correctness distinctions, and
suggested that language development be supported in more or less
that order. The "Fluency First" program at City College in NYC
built upon that rubrik, developing ways of talking about
what "fluency" looks like; Adele MaGowan-Gilhooly published
a book for students called Achieving Fluency in English (1992,
Kendall/Hunt) and also has several articles which describe
her program: College ESL, 1 (1) --"Fluency First: a whole-
language experiment in college ESL" for example, in 1991.
Interesting to see what other approaches would look like!
Hope you receive more information.
Kate Garretson
Kingsborough Community College