Aaaaah! Synthesis!! *thank you*!!
I'll do some poking around I think in Cultural Psych;
>I think that this range of time scales is consistent with
>the activist/interventionist/practice-based approach that
>I have been inarticulately gesturing at here and in
>Cultural Psych.
>We are dealing with several different kinds of heterogeneity,
>and when time is the topic, the word I have learned to use
>is heterochrony. I think this is what Jay and others have
>been discussing with you.
thanks for the clarification, perspective, such an inclusive-gesture; really.
I appreciate
it quite a lot.
heterochrony: hmmm, could you hum a few bars? :-]
"Every tool is a weapon if you hold it right."
Ani Difranco
diane celia hodges
faculty of education
university of british columbia
vancouver, bc canada
tel: (604)-253-4807
email: dchodges who-is-at