Re: politics as usual

Ken Goodman (kgoodman who-is-at U.Arizona.EDU)
Sun, 9 Nov 1997 14:26:09 -0700 (MST)

Jay's description of business as usual leaves out a vital element: some
group that is extremely well connected knows how to use the law making
procedures in Congress and state legislatures to get laws passed which
establish a state/national curriculun and methodology in a field of
(in this case literacy education). And they do it in such a way that the
legislators/representatives are not even aware of what they voted for.
Such a group needs to be very well commected: well enough to get Time,
Newsweek, Atlantic Monthly, and USNews to all run major stories with the
same viewpoint just at the time when the bill hits Congress.

What has happened to literacy education, state and local school
curriculum, certification and educational research through this bill is
bad enough. But it has established a structure to use in taking over every
field of education at every level. Rep Rigg already boasted that teacher
education is a next target through the refunding of the higher ed bill.
The text of this bill is on

*******Now we must learn to live under water*******
Kenneth S Goodman, Professor
Language, Reading & Culture, University of Arizona, Tucson
kgoodman who-is-at U.Arizona.EDU
520 6217868 Fax 520 7455285