Saturday Action on HR 2614 (fwd)

Ken Goodman (kgoodman who-is-at U.Arizona.EDU)
Sat, 8 Nov 1997 08:28:37 -0700 (MST)

What was it Huey Long said about how fascism would come to the United

Ken Goodman

Phone: 520 6217868 Fax: 520 7455285----------------------
Kenneth S Goodman, Professor
Language, Reading & Culture, University of Arizona, Tucson
kgoodman who-is-at U.Arizona.EDU

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 09:57:57 -0500
From: Richard Long <70720.2522 who-is-at>
To: Blind.Copy.Receiver who-is-at
Subject: Saturday Action on HR 2614

Most observers believe that HR 2614 will be voted on today by the House of
Representatives. According to several staffers the White House wanted this
bill so that they could move the process forward. It will be voted on
under a procedure called "suspension of the rules." This basically is to
get a bill done quickly. When this procedure is used it is because it is
small and/or without controversy. Neither is the case here, the reason for
the procedure in this case is that it will be quick, without amendment, and
a voice vote. What this means is that no one will be on record voting for
the tution assistance grants, the federal decision making into which
methods/techniques may be used, and several other major issues that many
individuals and groups are opposed to. ON the flip side it means that when
the Senate completes action there will also be no voting record (public
position) on these points either.

The bottom line is that there will be forty minutes of debate, a voice vote
and then we move to the Senate where we start fresh.

Rich Long
International Reading Association
Rlong who-is-at