Re: teachers' memories and therapy

Katherine Goff (Katherine_Goff who-is-at
Wed, 29 Oct 1997 10:32:30 -0700

Tony Michael Roberts writes:
>I feel that this mandatory therapy would extend the network of control
>are complaining of in a really dramatic way. The public schools today
>I believe, less hellish and damaging for students than they would be
>otherwise because many teachers have not interpollated the ideology of
>control which governs the total system.

I have to agree. I while back Eva asked how we could get more teachers
of the type who would include Allanis Morrisette in their signatures
and I did not respond because I don't believe there is a way to
organize a structure to produce people who would be willing to live
with the stress and ambiguity of working within a system and, at the
same time, rejecting it.(Whew!)

I sometimes feel like a ghost at a dinner party when I go into the
teachers' lounge. How can I talk to these people who are so invested in
the current structure of education? They take every criticism (often
even suggestions) as a personal assault. I have learned (painfully)
through my life's journey to always work alone (on some levels) while
working with other people (on other levels). When I think about how I
learned to do this, I would _never_ require someone else to go through
a similar process. I would not want to create a structure that caused
that kind of painful, unsupported confusion in each and every
participant. Some people may choose it, some may accept it, but many
would only suffer without any understanding of the value of the


\\\\\\\\\\\\\You live you learn
\\\\\\\\\\\You love you learn
\\\\\\\\\You cry you learn
\\\\\\\You lose you learn
\\\\\You bleed you learn
\\\You scream you learn////////alanis morissette:jagged little pill

Katherine_Goff who-is-at