As Russ mentioned, we had had a little backstage exchange on the subject of
reconstituting xorgan (for the purpose of some maintenance work on the xmca
setting). I had meant to ask anyway, because I don't want to turn the whole
list over to self-reflection -- which might easily happen if I keep I keep
posting enthusiastic "look what I found!!" reports from my earthworming
through the xarchives.
Before suggesting an xorgan revival I decided to see if that list was still
alive, and if I was still on it. Result: the xorgan address currently feeds
into the general xmca stream:
>Resent-Date: Sun, 28 Sep 1997 07:16:11 -0700 (PDT)
>Date: Sun, 28 Sep 1997 16:14:06 +0200
>X-Sender: pedevaek who-is-at
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>To: xorgan who-is-at
>From: Eva Ekeblad <eva.ekeblad who-is-at>
>Subject: Re: the uses of self-descriptions
>Resent-From: xmca who-is-at
>Reply-To: xmca who-is-at
>X-Mailing-List: <xmca who-is-at> archive/latest/4691
>X-Loop: xmca who-is-at
>Precedence: list
>Resent-Sender: xmca-request who-is-at
>So, is the ghost of xorgan still around?
It needs uncoupling, and a subscription routine of its own. As soon as you
can arrange that, I should think it'll get pretty active -- if nothing else
me talking to the walls! I'll save my disagreements with you and Jay for
the side room...