Re: Computers in schools

Mike Cole (mcole who-is-at
Sun, 28 Sep 1997 12:21:11 -0700 (PDT)

Judy --

This is a really late response to your interesting message on WWW and
instructional change.

Re impovrished ideas of investigation. We are trying something really
interesting with the web page connected with our developmental text
(I hope that fact that I have written a text does not disqualify me
in this group after what I have been reading on this topic !! :-)) )

Some colleagues have created a web page for the text that includes lots
of frequently asked questions derived from the text on a section-by-
section basis. But instead of ANSWERING the FAQ's the page gives students
web sites where they can seek out answers. So far I do not know how this
idea is working, but I liked the spirit of it and we are studying how
it will go. In principle at least, it might be really educational.