I ran across a person who studied the physical setting of a classroom
during my MA program at the University of New Mexico. I think her name
was Catherine Laughlin (or McLaughlin) and she wrote a book called _The
Learning Environment_. This was the late 1980s, so my memory is not
very sharp on the details. The idea of looking at the physical
arrangement of the classroom was so novel to me then, that I remember
her and her book, but not much else.
I think about her from time to time because I have not read much in
this area besides her book. I actually met her in one of my classes, I
think she was a professor there.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\You live you learn
\\\\\\\\\\\You love you learn
\\\\\\\\\You cry you learn
\\\\\\\You lose you learn
\\\\\You bleed you learn
\\\You scream you learn////////alanis morissette:jagged little pill
Katherine_Goff who-is-at ceo.cudenver.edu