Vygotsky conference

SMAGOR who-is-at aardvark.ucs.uoknor.edu
Wed, 25 Oct 1995 08:14:16 -0500 (CDT)


In previous e-mail announcements we described a conference
to be held in Chicago Feb. 23-25, 1996, titled "A Vygotsky
Centennial: Vygotskian Perspectives on Literacy Research." In this
follow-up announcement we are providing an update on the program
(including working titles for talks) and information on how to

Featured Speakers

Arnetha Ball, U. of Michigan
Anne Haas Dyson, UC-Berkeley, "Linking Writing and Community
Development through the Children's Forum"
Judith Green, Richard Duran, & LeAnn Putney, UC-Santa Barbara,
"What Counts as Literate Actions in a Bilingual Classroom?"
Kris Gutierrez, UCLA, "Literacy Learning as Changing Social
Vera John-Steiner, U. of New Mexico, "Literacy and the Languages of
the Mind"
Luis Moll, U. of Arizona
Gordon Wells, Ontario Institute for the Study of Education, "Making
Meaning with Text: A Genetic Approach to the Mediating Roles
of Writing in Activity"
James Wertsch, Washington U., "The Idea of a Telos in Literacy

Roundtable Discussion Leaders

Deborah P. Berrill, Queen's University (Ontario), Sara Ann Beach &
Janet Young, U. of Oklahoma, "Penpals as mentors: Children's
appropriations of forms"
Antonia Candela & Elsie Rockwell, Departamiento de Investigaciones
Educativas, Mexico; Elvira Souza Lima, Cepaos, Brazil; Marcelo
Guimaraes Lima, University of Illinois; Eleine Shepel, Eureka
University, Russia; Catherine Emihovich, SUNY-Buffalo; Amelia
Alvarez & Pablo del Rio, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain;
Judith Green, UCSB (discussant), "Contributions of cultural-
historical theory to literacy research: An international
Rose Casement, Brewer (ME) Middle School & Paula Moore, U. of
Maine, "Vygotskian concepts: Application to literacy
instruction for students with special needs"
Beverly E. Cox & Zhihui Fang, Purdue U., "Emergent metacognition:
A Vygotskian perspective"
Colette Daiute, CUNY, "The role of subjectivity in a sociocultural
theory of literacy"
Francine Falk-Ross, U. of Illinois-Chicago, "Guiding language
participation in classroom discourse: Strategies for children
with language difficulties"
Cyunthia Brock, Carole Sue Englert, Susan Florio-Ruane, James
Gavelek, & Taffy Raphael, Michigan State U., and Kathy
Highfield, Holly, MI Elementary School, "Reimagining teacher
learning about literacy from a Vygotskian perspective"
Roxanne Henkin, National-Louis U. "Who is invited to share? The
role of gender and status in first grade literacy development"
Olli Kuure, U. of Oulu (Finland), "Literacy in a second language
among developmentally different types of bilinguals"
Genevieve Manset, SUNY-Geneseo, & Michael Gerber, UC-Santa Barbara,
"Vygotskian perspectives on early writing development:
Implications for students with learning disabilities"
H. James McLaughlin & JoBeth Allen, U. of Georgia, "Action research
collaborations as zones of proximal development"
Suzanne M. Miller, SUNY-Buffalo, "Open-forum text discussion as a
zone of proximal development: Shaping which habits of mind?"
Christine C. Pappas, Liliana Barro Zecker, & Sonia White Soltero,
U. of Illinois-Chicago, "Relating Latino kindergarten
students' funds of knowledge to the school literacy
curriculum: Struggles in scaffolding"
David R. Russell, Iowa State U., "Rethinking genre: An activity
theory analysis"
Vicki Zack, St. George's School (Montreal), "Appropriating
mathematical discourse: Fifth graders make connections between
invention and convention"

We have both regular and student rates for the conference:

Regular rate: $90 ($100 on site)
Full-time student rate: $60 ($70 on site)

You may use this announcement as your registration form.
Please make out your check to NCTE Assembly for Research, and
include the following information:

Institutional affiliation:
Departmental affiliation:

Home phone #:
Work phone #:
e-mail address:
fax #:

attendance, we view your registration as a commitment to attend the
conference. Registration for the conference will be on a first
come, first served basis. When we reach the enrollment cap (our
meeting room capacity is 200, including speakers) we will close
registration for the conference.

Most conference registrants stay at the host hotel, the
Bismarck. Room fees run $75 per night regardless of how many
people stay in the room. For registration information call the
Bismarck at 1-800-643-1500. Refer to the *National Council of
Teachers of English Research Assembly: Midwinter Conference* when
making reservations.

Please address all conference inquiries to:

Carol D. Lee
Northwestern U.
School of Education and Social Policy
2003 Sheridan Rd.
Evanston, IL 60201
cdlee who-is-at merle.acns.nwu.edu
fax: 708-491-8999
phone: (w) 708-467-1807

Peter Smagorinsky
U. of Oklahoma
College of Education
820 Van Vleet Oval
Norman, OK 73019-0260
smagor who-is-at aardvark.ucs.uoknor.edu
fax: 405-325-4061
phone: (w) 405-325-3533
(h) 405-364-1171