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Re: [xmca] Educational neuroscience

Sample :

[[In the further
experimentation, stereotyped responses appeared
whenever a critical word was
As a result of such a
linking up
obtained :
business 2.6" to
48. neighbour
1.8" to converse
to cut 1.6" to
68. to die 2.8" to converse
janitor 2.3"
to converse.
but business 2.2" to converse.
1.6" to
to cut 2.0" to
60. but to
8.0" to
61. but tears 1.8" to
68. but to die
The assuredness of the
and the reactive times show us that
of the
of the affective course
of the reaction.]]
My dubious view : 

"As the strategy is primitive , the subject finds a way out of the problematic situation , chooses the way to 'echolalia' (steriotypic) responses" 
This note can be expanded within the core concepts common to all the three members of the Troika . Unless this is not done , how can we establish a appropriate 'blend' of all these and many many others in this wide expanse of versatile trends of research ? 

 From: Larry Purss <lpscholar2@gmail.com>
To: Haydi Zulfei <haydizulfei@rocketmail.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 3:28:30
Subject: Re: [xmca] Educational neuroscience

Haydi, Thanks for these books.
It is amazing the resources you do have. Interesting discussion on Luria. 
I do not have a background [at all] in neuro topics but the way this topic is unfolding here on xmca does make me want to learn more.
As mike says, so many stones to turn over, so little time.
I hope I can get to this resource on the *first* relationship.
Thanks, Haydi

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 1:38 PM, Haydi Zulfei <haydizulfei@rocketmail.com> wrote:

Now it works .
> From: Larry Purss <lpscholar2@gmail.com>
>To: Haydi Zulfei <haydizulfei@rocketmail.com>; "eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity" <xmca@weber.ucsd.edu> 
>Sent: Monday, 29 July 2013, 23:31:12
>Subject: Re: [xmca] Educational neuroscience
>Thanks for this question of the *difference* between a method of paramedical accounts contrasted with a process of scientive accounts within your big question:
>"but one big question remains : the difference between a method of paramedicals (religious , Buddhistic , intervention of high spirits as described by Vygotsky when discussing James-Long Theory , etc.) and a method of scientific procurement as well as piercing into the gaps which are being gradually filled by a process of Scientific Development :"
>I am reflecting back to Mike's comment that Luria's methods were interconnecting  the *clinical* [paramedical] and *scientific* accounts. Mike mentioned Luria engaged deeply with Freud and Jung in his understanding of *sense*. In my extended comments I want to return to this this theme of the paramedical approach as giving accounts or understandings
>"OF the movement of perception AND action THROUGH affect WITHIN living drama." 
>I read Luria's *romantic science* as exploring living drama within accounts which seem to take account of both paramedical and scientific developments.
>Andy mentions Luria's
>  "experiments were based on observation of behaviour, and the subject's psychological system was reconstructed in theory on the basis of observations of these "disruptions" of their behaviour". 
>I would like to add another concept to this ongoing exploration of making *sense* of the contrasting paramedical and scientific accounts as discursive understandings developing within  living drama. 
>The concept of *vitality* may add [or not] to exploring Luria's exploration of the correlations of the development of the cortex within the developments of living drama.
>Daniel Stern, explores the theme of the *present moment* within the arc that moves through durations of a few seconds. He is exploring this duration as central for understanding the forming of *sense*.  For Stern a key word in understanding how sense forms is the concept of *vitality* as a gestalt or *dynamic form* . Here is a link to his book on this topic if interested.
>I wonder if the concept of *vital* adds to our understanding of the concept of *sense* as a gestalt. 
>Daniel Stern's explorations may contribute to our understandings of affect-movement as the process THROUGH which perception AND action develop dynamic form [sense] within living drama as *vital sense*
>The concept of *vital sense* using the adverb *vital* may add clarity to forming sense. Daniel Stern's book is returning to the exploration of *elan vital* without the metaphysical account of vitality. He writes,
>"without manifestations of vitality, the world would be bereft of much of its interest, and human interactions would be digital rather than ANALOGIC,..."
>.Stern asks, What is vitality? We are very alert to its feel in ourselves and its expression in others. Life shows ITSELF in so many different forms of vitality. Historically *vitalism* posited a vital principle involving a vital element [elan vital] that is distinct from all known physical, chemical, and mental forces. This view was abandoned long ago with the advance of science. Moreover, little attention has been paid to vitality subsequently" (p.3)
>Daniel Stern
>"returns to vitality as a gestalt form, treating vitality as a product of the mind's integration of many internal and external EVENTS, as a subjective experience, and as a phenomenal reality.  HOWEVER, VITALITY MUST HAVE A BASIS IN PHYSICAL ACTION AND TRACEABLE MENTAL OPERATIONS. IT IS NOT INDEPENDENT OF THEM as the doctrine of vitalism would have it" [p.4]
>Stern posits 5 components involved in forming dynamic vitality.
>    movement which carries along with the movement other events
> movement unfolds in a certain stretch of time as duration.There is a temporal CONTOUR or time PROFILE of the movement as it begins, flows THROUGH, and ends. Therefore a sense of time, its SHAPE AND DURATION as an arc is created in the mind, along with the movement. Time is a human INVENTION.
> 3] FORCES:
> movement brings with the movement the PERCEPTION OF forces *behind* or *within* the movement
>4] SPACE:
> movement has to happen IN SPACE, so a SENSE OF SPACE is defined by the movement
> a movement has DIRECTIONALITY. A sense of directionality or intentionality emerges as the movement seems to be going somewhere.
>In this SENSE of movement force, time, space and directionality could be called the four daughters of movement. Therefore, starting or originating with movement, *vitality* has five dynamic EVENTS linked together. These five theoretically different events - movement, time, force, space, intention/directionality - TAKEN TOGETHER give rise to the gestalt experience of *vitality*. These five components create *a fundamental dynamic pentad" This gestalt gives rise to the experience of vitality in one's own movements AND in those of others
> Daniel Stern, in his exploration of vitality asks if these five events are  separately experienced as distinct events or are the events fused together by the mind? The methods of science are in a difficult situation to answer this gestalt question. Stern writes,
>"on the one hand, they [science] are led by their nature to understand events at smaller and smaller levels of greater reduction, and in greater isolation one from the other, to understand better how events work. This results in a fragmentation of the world as we normally know it.
>Stern says we must study *vitality* as a gestalt of dynamic unity as an emergent property of life dramas. He says, the leap to a gestalt is as mysterious as the experience of an emergent property. Science struggles with making sense of this mysterious appearance. [dynamic systems theory, complexity theory, chaos theory] However Stern argues gestalts and emergent properties are what the familiar world seems to be made of. FORMS of vitality are IMMEDIATELY GRASPED from the fundamental dynamic pentad, this gestalt of vital sense.
>Returning to my question if Daniel Stern's exploration of *vitality* may contribute to the understanding of *sense* [as the movement of perception AND action THROUGH affect-movement].
>Is it useful to add the concept *vital*   to qualify *sense* within living dramas unfolding within cultural-historical events. Linking Stern's *present moment* of vitality with the cultural-historical exploration of *sense*.
>Luria exploring the cortex as central to this emergent property of gestalts as anticipation of expected forms [formed within cultural-historical duration] and the creative movements of RE-cognition when the *vital sense* of anticipation is not confirmed within our ongoing living dramas.
>Micro-genesis as neuroplasticity AND the arc of the present moment within the macro cultural-historically developing events
>I apologize for this long meandering reflection. In my reading of Luria's methods I notice BOTH paramedical and scientific *developments* 
>Mike mentioned Freud and Jung were central  to Luria's developing methods and approach.
>I read Daniel Stern as trying to express a similar *senseability* that is exploring the arc of movement in the microprocesses of the *present moment* Neuroplasticity is working within these realms, so I took a chance of adding Stern's concept of *vitality* into the dialogue with Luria exploring *sense* as the movement of perception AND action through AFFECT-MOVEMENT within living dramas. I have not focused on the *extracortical* themes which Rod mentioned in discussing Clark's works on culture as I had to limit my topic. However, movement within living dramas IMPLIES gestalts as understandings which INCLUDE CULTURAL-HISTORICAL artifacts and signs as psychological tools.
>I am going to read the Clark article to balance my account exploring other realms of time consciousness [as inventions] facilitated by our cortical complexity.
>On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 2:57 AM, Haydi Zulfei <haydizulfei@rocketmail.com> wrote:
>Andy ! To what you've explicated , I'd like to add paragraphs from the 'first book' again ; one could find relationships especially when we read the details Luria give us in each case but one big question remains : the difference between a method of paramedicals (religious , Buddhistic , intervention of high spirits as described by Vygotsky when discussing James-Long Theory , etc.) and a method of scientific procurement as well as piercing into the gaps which are being gradually filled by a process of Scientific Development :
>>[[The acute state of the
>>trauma, complicated by
>>concealing it,
>>bound in
>>the fear of
>>expressing itself,
>>in the criminal a state of
>>acute affective
>>this tension is
>>very probably exaggerated
>>because the
>>is under the fear of
>>the more serious the
>>the more marked the
>>and the
>>disclosing it,
>>the more this
>>and we
>>seen what a remarkable destruction of the most
>>important neurodynamical
>>functions characterises the behaviour
>>of the criminal.]]
>>That the state of the criminal in whom the tension cannot
>>find exit
>>anywhere may
>>insufferable is beautifully
>>illustrated in the
>>great literary productions.
>>of the
>>is here
>>truly insufferable,
>>and the
>>subject experiencing
>>them is
>>not in a condition
>>to remain
>>passive during
>>the course of this
>>he must
>>orient himself in such a
>>that he
>>the tension and
>>save himself from an external
>>all of his behavour and
>>under the fear
>>of detection.
>>Such a tension is
>>one of the most serious factors
>>for the criminal in the
>>of his
>>guilt. By
>>the criminal has the means to avoid the affective
>>to find
>>an exit for the
>>that affective tonus which
>>created within him an unbearable conflict. Confession can eliminate this conflict and restore the
>>in a certain
>>to a normal
>>and this is its
>>psychophysiological significance.
>>role of confession has been evaluated
>>for a
>>long time;
>>the ancient
>>teaching concerning
>>catharsis con-
>>sidered confession in offences an
>>expiation; Christianity
>>in its
>>use of confession
>>always employed
>>psychological principle
>>about avoidance of the affective
>>by having
>>relate the sins
>>him to an
>>official of the church
>>; finally,
>>every therapeutic system
>>psychoanalysis proceeds
>>from this
>>which is connected with the transfer of the
>>and a relief of the tension in the consciousness. This
>>so well established in the various
>>therapeutic processes,
>>connected with the
>>powerful process
>>of elimination of the affective
>>this is the
>>value of the
>>effect of
>>In the situation of
>>may expect
>>the influence of
>>such avoidance in
>>marked forms. Admission of
>>removes from the criminal those restraints which controlled each
>>of his
>>one of his
>>and created an exceedingly
>>acute conflict of
>>marked tension
>>thus confession
>>is a
>>to the relief of affect and to the reestablishment of a
>>more normal functional life.
>>From the
>>psychophysiological investigation
>>of crime and confession,
>>may expect, consequently,
>>in the
>>to what it was before
>>the removal of acute
>>of affective traces connected with the
>>crime, and, finally,
>>the removal of the
>>suppressed complex
>>itself in some
>>the control of which is
>>weakened. On the
>>the confession should
>>us a
>>psychophysiological picture
>>discharge, ventilation, and,
>>connected with
>>a certain calmness of the behaviour. The experiments
>>on the
>>of confession arouse in
>>theoretical interest.]]
>>Now it's high time to go so far as to compare these highly-evaluated content of a very raw kind of 'perezhivanie' with the content of Vasiluk's book of 'perezhivanie' (experiencing + ...) and the very nice content of a very short paragraph Greg so diligently presented to us from the same author in time .
>> From: Andy Blunden <ablunden@mira.net>
>>To: "Hansen, Monica" <monica.hansen@vandals.uidaho.edu>
>>Cc: "eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity" <xmca@weber.ucsd.edu>
>>Sent: Sunday, 28 July 2013, 6:11:28
>>Subject: Re: [xmca] Educational neuroscience
>>Of course wherever trauma or injury to the brain is involved, knowledge
>>of the localisation of functions is important for giodng therapy, and
>>also, as Martin notes, neurpscience has functioned to debunk various
>>simplistic assumptions about how the brain works, and in fact greatly
>>complicates imagination of even simple thought processes, but here is
>>what I think about the central point.
>>Freud had a diagram of the "mental personality". (see
>>for example). He did not claim that this corresponded to the forms to
>>any actual biological structure inside the skull. But it was an image
>>around which therapeutical activities and knowledge of psychoanalysis
>>could be organised. The diagram functioned as a mediating artefact, in
>>other words. Likewise, religious people use the Bible as a mediating
>>artefact around which to organise pastoral counselling, prayer and
>>generally managing their own lives. That the Bible may function quite
>>effectively in this respect does not depend on the claim that it is the
>>word of God, even if some of those who use it staunchly believe it to be
>>the case.
>>Now in our naturalistic times, we insist that the mediating artifact
>>(such as a map of the brain) around which we organise psychotherapy,
>>education and so on, *is* a representation of a real, material organism.
>>And of course, it is. But if you think about it, it would not matter at
>>all if it were not. For example, teaching by rote, something which has
>>thousands of years of history, can now be "rationalised" by "brain
>>plasticity," but obviously it is its efficacy in social practice which
>>is the final critierion of its success. (By the way, "brain plasticity"
>>was known to physiotherapists for half a century, at least, before
>>neurosurgeons coined the term. They had never bothered to enquire what
>>the "nurses" were doing with their patients once they left the operaitng
>>theatre, and were surprised to discover that people were being cured of
>>their injury by paramedicals.)
>>Hansen, Monica wrote:
>>> Hi, Andy, and others. Interesting discussion. Some good sources. One consideration:
>>> Pharmaceutical implications are NOT the only result of understanding the contribution of neuroscience in education! Although I have seen neuroscientists include this in their discussion (especially for dyslexia and adhd).
>>> One implication of neuroscience for teachers in the classroom with individual students is a greater understanding of normal, individual variation for complex functions like reading and writing. In working to understand neuroanatomy of meaningful language, one finds that current research supports more structures being involved rather than identifying one localized region for speech production.  Rather than considering development as predetermined, development is considered ongoing. The social and cultural influence in an individual's cortical organization is huge! Current neuroscience supports what Bella Kotik-Friedgut refers to from Luria as "extracortical" organization, the notion that the cortex is reorganized from without the individual. Development of the brain is not predetermined for our students just because of genetics. What we become and are is not reduced to chemicals, is not a function of time(maturity) in the mechanistic sense, but
>> from the ability of our nervous systems as dynamic, growing and changing within larger systems.
>>> Monica Hansen
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu [mailto:xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu] On Behalf Of Andy Blunden
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 9:00 AM
>>> To: eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity
>>> Subject: Re: [xmca] Educational neuroscience
>>> I would like to suggest a thought experiment.
>>> Suppose that neuroscience had progressed to a point where every psychological phenomenon has been traced to a specific formation in the brain. (This is of course very far from the case. Even dramatic psychological disorders are often invisible to neuroscience, but just suppose. ....)
>>> What then?
>>> It could help faciitate new pharamceutical and surgical cures for psychological disorders.
>>> So instead of better teaching, we could administer drugs to children so they learn faster, or something??
>>> It is only surgical and pharmceutical interventions that require neuroscientific knowledge. Oherwise, stories about the brain just function as rationalisations, for doing things which can be explained and tested without reference to the brain,
>>> Andy
>>> Huw Lloyd wrote:
>>>> On 24 July 2013 16:45, Huw Lloyd <huw.softdesigns@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> On 24 July 2013 16:35, Wagner Luiz Schmit <wagner.schmit@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Huw,
>>>>>> Thanks for the indications. Any "recent" (10 years or so)  research
>>>>>> dealing with the data made available by the knew scan technologies?
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Wagner
>>>>> Nothing that I've come across.  I haven't expected to find anything
>>>>> though, so haven't looked with any diligence.
>>>>> Christine had some thoughts on biological developments a while back.
>>>>> *ANY* studies on genetic process are of merit here, I believe. it doesn't
>>>>> have to be the brain.  Note that this is looking at "natural phenomena"
>>>>> rather than artificial phenomena alone.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Huw
>>>> Dynamic Systems Theory may be worth exploring -- I haven't looked yet.
>>>> Travieso, Ch. 6, The Cambridge Handbook of Socialcultural Psychology, (Eds)
>>>> Valsiner & Rosa.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Huw
>>>>>  On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 12:31 AM, Huw Lloyd <huw.softdesigns@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On 24 July 2013 16:23, Wagner Luiz Schmit <wagner.schmit@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Thanks Ulvi,
>>>>>>>> Any work you recommend for beginner's and or a must have/read in the
>>>>>>>> library?
>>>>>>>> I am trying to get a broader sense of human development using Vygotsky
>>>>>>>> as core and searching for recent readings in different fields like
>>>>>>>> Philosophy (Ilyenkov) and History (People's history of the world by
>>>>>>>> Chris Harman), But still lacking a clue on "phylogeny" and
>>>>>>>> neuroscience.
>>>>>>> Wertsch, Vygotsky and the formation of mind -- genetic domains.
>>>>>>> Waddington, Genetic Assimilation.
>>>>>>> Batson, genetic/ecological processes.
>>>>>>> The recent documents from Luria cover some "basics" which are typically
>>>>>>> missed in this line of research.  Luria's research is predominantly
>>>>>>> functional (of a v. high calibre).  It seems to be dialectic in an
>>>>>> Engels
>>>>>>> kind of way.  But the functional explanations stand up for themselves.
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Huw
>>>>>>>> Wagner
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 12:13 AM, Ulvi İçil <ulvi.icil@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> As far as I know, there is a strong neuroscience in Russia in the
>>>>>> line of
>>>>>>>>> Alexander Romanovitch's work, Homskaya and his many other students
>>>>>>>>> continued his work a lot.
>>>>>>>>> Ulvi
>>>>>>>>> 2013/7/24 Wagner Luiz Schmit <wagner.schmit@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>> Hello Huw,
>>>>>>>>>> I like that text pretty much (I always returned to it in our
>>>>>> research
>>>>>>>>>> group in Brazil and I will present it again this week to our
>>>>>> research
>>>>>>>>>> group in Japan). And this text, acording to Leontiev, is from
>>>>>> 1930...
>>>>>>>>>> But at the same time Leontiev, in a letter from this same year (if I
>>>>>>>>>> am not mistaken again) points to divergent way of thinking between
>>>>>>>>>> him, Luria and Vygotsky... I unfortunately know very little about
>>>>>>>>>> Luria (just read some texts) and even less about today Russian
>>>>>>>>>> neuroscience, does this proposal by Vygotsky continues in Luria? And
>>>>>>>>>> returning to the main topic, there is still neuroscience following
>>>>>>>>>> these guidelines?
>>>>>>>>>> Wagner
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 11:54 PM, Huw Lloyd <
>>>>>> huw.softdesigns@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 24 July 2013 15:38, Wagner Luiz Schmit <
>>>>>> wagner.schmit@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Larry,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Please say more... I think this is so important, and things
>>>>>> point out
>>>>>>>>>>>> that Vygotsky also, otherwise why enter the Medicine course in
>>>>>> 1930
>>>>>>>>>>>> (if my memory is not wrong)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Wagner
>>>>>>>>>>> "On Psychological Systems", collected works of LSV, v.3, p.105
>>>>>>>>>>> "In actual fact, it seems to me that by introducing the concept of
>>>>>>>>>>> psychological system in the form we discussed, we get a splendid
>>>>>>>>>>> possibility of conceiving the real connections, the real complex
>>>>>>>>>>> relationships that exist."
>>>>>>>>>>> "To a certain degree this also holds true for one of the most
>>>>>>>> difficult
>>>>>>>>>>> problems -- the localization of higher psychological systems."
>>>>>>>>>>> Huw
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 11:33 PM, Larry Purss <
>>>>>> lpscholar2@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ulvi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> You mentioned you are interested in *cognitive CHANGE*.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Within the concept  *neuroplasticity* is implicit Nero change.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> There is a scholar in France [Catherine Malabou] whose central
>>>>>>>>>> conceptual
>>>>>>>>>>>>> thesis explores *plasticity* as from the Greek *to mold  or to
>>>>>>>> model.*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> She moves the concepts of *dynamic* and *systems* and *theory*
>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>> *neural*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> within the orbit of the central thesis of plasticity as change,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> transformation and metamorphosis.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not sure if this is too far off topic.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I also want to mention *neo-Piagetian* theory including
>>>>>> Vygotsky
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wittgenstein is being explored at SIMON Fraser University.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If interested I could say more.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Larry
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 6:39 AM, Ulvi İçil <
>>>>>> ulvi.icil@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Andy and all, I found Kurt Fisher, he is at Harvard,
>>>>>> Mind,
>>>>>>>> Brain
>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Education.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He is described as:
>>>>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-Piagetian_theories_of_cognitive_development
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fischer's theory differs from the other neo-Piagetian
>>>>>> theories in
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>> number
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of respects. One of them is in the way it explains cognitive
>>>>>>>> change.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Specifically, although Fischer does not deny the operation of
>>>>>>>>>>>> information
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> processing constrains on development, he emphasizes on the
>>>>>>>>>> environmental
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and social rather than individual factors as causes of
>>>>>>>> development.
>>>>>>>>>> To
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> explain developmental change he borrowed two classic notions
>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>> Lev
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vygotsky,[12]<
>>>>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-Piagetian_theories_of_cognitive_development#cite_note-12
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is, internalization and the zone of proximal development.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am rather interested in the application of the new findings
>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> field
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of educational neuroscience into the theory and practice of
>>>>>>>>>> education.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ulvi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/7/23 Andy Blunden <ablunden@mira.net>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ulvi, best of luck in your search, and maybe someone on this
>>>>>>>> list
>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> help. But don't get your hopes up.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lawrence Barsalou is a very sophisticated writer on
>>>>>>>> neuroscience,
>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>>> in:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Barsalou, L. W. (1992) “Cognitive Psychology. An Overview
>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>> Cognitive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Scientists,” Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where he has a chapter on education, he characterises
>>>>>> education
>>>>>>>> as:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> “teachers provide information that students incorporate into
>>>>>>>>>> existing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> knowledge” - in other words, not only does he use "folk
>>>>>>>>>> psychology" in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> his
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> grasp of the subtlties of education, but he seems to be
>>>>>> unaware
>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> antiquated "theory" of teaching and learning has been
>>>>>> subject to
>>>>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> critique over the past 100 years. A classic illustration of
>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> problem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that Greg has been raising.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Andy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ulvi İçil wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would like to know some outstanding scholar names in the
>>>>>>>> field
>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> educational neuroscience, working in the line of
>>>>>> sociocultural
>>>>>>>>>>>> theory.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ulvi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Andy Blunden*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Home Page: http://home.mira.net/~andy/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Book: http://www.brill.nl/concepts
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://marxists.academia.edu/**AndyBlunden<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://marxists.academia.edu/AndyBlunden>
>>*Andy Blunden*
>>Home Page: http://home.mira.net/~andy/
>>Book: http://www.brill.nl/concepts