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Re: [xmca] http://marxismocritico.com/category/psicologia-marxista/

I want to comment in accord, I think, with the spirit of Larry's last comment by noting one limitation I have found to some of Vygotsky's formulation.  As a psychologist interested in internal regulation he often seems to forget (at least in the translations I have read) of the communicative, social assertive aspect of language.  Language both internalizes and externalizes to present ourselves in the social world. Since my field is the teaching of writing--effective writing to influence others--this in fact is my starting point, and I only back into psychology because people do use their minds in the processes of reading and writing.

However, Martin in citing Shotter was just dealing with the question of internalization, which following Vygotsky's lead has been much more fully elaborated than externalization.  For some of my discussion on externalization see the latter parts of my recent essay in MCA.  
 I want to pause with a fragment from Charles which he just posted.:
> On your [Haydi]  last query, Martin has given a good explanation about 
> the
> practical reasoning that PRECEDES the self-regulation that comes through
> symbols applied to the experience of the self.
> I question if Shotter's understanding that "practical reasoning" within
> "spontaneous responsiveness" continues to be central to our gestural 
> use of
> presentational  ongoing "joint action".  As we develop more internalized
> ways of "managing" our conduct do we need to also keep in the foreground
> our "joint needs" as spontaneous tacit prereflective presentational
> actions.  THIS understanding emphasizes presentational ways of 
> knowing, not
> idealized representational pictures IN our minds.
> Larry
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