I am curious if a historical trajectory Zittoun, Gillespie, Cornish, and
Psaltis have suggested has evloved in Piagetian developmental theory is a
more general trend in developmental theories. The reason I ask is it seems
to parallel my emerging perspectives and questions about development.
Zittoun et al suggest Piagetian models have developed through 4 generations
of theorizing the subject-OTHER-object model of development. [sociocognitive
model] They suggest Piaget [except in his early work] focused on the binary
subject-object transmission of knowledge and was a model of interior
The first generation of post-Piagetian models looked to Mead, Vygotsky,
Bernstein, and Moscovici to reorient to a triadic subject-OTHER- object
triangle and resocialized Piaget's model. Subject and other have differing
perspectives and this creates tension and creates a de-centering and
cognitive elaborations. Chapman's term was the "epistemic triangle". In
this first generationof post-Piagetian models tension is created between
persons interacting as different intentional beings, "but these intentional
participants are not typically considered in terms of their societally
situated roles.
A second line of post-piagetian models deepens and extends the notion of the
social to the whole subject-other-object SYSTEM [context] that takes place
in a world structured by social positions, VALUES, rules, and DISCOURSES"
which are all factors which CONSTITUTE social positions and thus the
PERSPECTIVES of the participants in the epistemic triangle. This extends
interpersonal coordination to include intergroup and ideological processes.
This generation of models focused on the INSTITUTIONAL contexts and
re-focuses on the centrality of the object as mediating SYSTEMS of social
relations [positions]
More recently another generation of epistemic triangle models is exploring
the constitutive role social and institutional Asymmetires within societal
contexts. [Duveen]
This movement from interpersonal interactivity, to institutional roles and
positions, and then into social representations and hermeneutics gives an
expanding role to history and traditions and seems parallel to the direction
in which my curiosity is wandering. I was curious if the patterns or
configurations of emerging epistemic triangle models of development to
embrace hermeneutics, traditions, and history as the CONTEXT in which
interpersonal participation is embedded is a trajectory that is more general
across other triangle models of development?
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