If the question was the changing translation of the title of LSV, Andy, the
change was unlikely to have been done by von Humbolt. :-)
I believe that the place to look is to Norris Minnick's stay in Moscow,
as a student of Jim Wertsch, with Vladimir Zinchenko as advisor.
I believe you can find past discussions of this matter on xmca or xlchc,
but have not checked.
On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 6:01 AM, Andy Blunden <ablunden@mira.net
<mailto:ablunden@mira.net>> wrote:
Oh thank you, Anton. I bought his CUP selected works last week and
was hoping to get into it very soon. So probably Moses Hess got his
observations on the topic from Wm v Humboldt!
Anton Yasnitsky wrote:
the most famous or first claims made about the importance of
thinking speaking in verbs rather than nouns = Wilhelm von Humboldt
----- Original Message ----
From: Andy Blunden <ablunden@mira.net <mailto:ablunden@mira.net>>
To: "eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity" <xmca@weber.ucsd.edu
Sent: Mon, April 26, 2010 4:58:11 AM
Subject: [xmca] speaking in verbs
Can anyone tell me who was the first to insist on the title of
Vygotsky's famous work being translated as "Thinking and Speech"
rather than "Thought and Word" and does anyone know of the most
famous or first claims made about the importance of thinking
speaking in verbs rather than nouns. And any claims to the
contrary, that nouns are the best, and has anyone claimed that
adjectives and adverbs are philosophically superior?
Andy Blunden http://home.mira.net/~andy/
<http://home.mira.net/%7Eandy/> +61 3 9380 9435 Skype andy.blunden
An Interdisciplinary Theory of Activity: http://www.brill.nl/scss
xmca mailing list
xmca@weber.ucsd.edu <mailto:xmca@weber.ucsd.edu>
Andy Blunden http://home.mira.net/~andy/
<http://home.mira.net/%7Eandy/> +61 3 9380 9435 Skype andy.blunden
An Interdisciplinary Theory of Activity: http://www.brill.nl/scss
xmca mailing list
xmca@weber.ucsd.edu <mailto:xmca@weber.ucsd.edu>