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[xmca] Fwd: EARLI - job announcements: a Tenure track-position, Academic position and professorship in Belgium, a professorship in Germany, a Funded PhD Studentship in the UK

Many interesting jobs in Europe,

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tonia Davison <Tonia.Davison@PED.KULEUVEN.BE>
Date: September 30, 2009 4:34:03 AM GMT-04:00
Subject: EARLI - job announcements: a Tenure track-position, Academic position and professorship in Belgium, a professorship in Germany, a Funded PhD Studentship in the UK Reply-To: European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction <EARLI@LISTSERV.CC.KULEUVEN.AC.BE>

Dear EARLI members,

Please find below 5 job announcements:

Tenure track-position ‘Educational neurosciences’ ( starting 1 oktober 2010)

The Faculty Psychology and Educational Sciences of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) invites applications for a tenure track position in the domain of ‘educational neurosciences’. The appointment includes:

1) Research: The applicant is expected to design and execute innovative research in the domain of educational neurosciences. This research will pertain to the relation between neurobiological factors and educational factors and interventions (in family and school context) with regard to (distorted) learning and developmental processes. Research experience and expertise in one of the subdisciplines of the educational sciences, associated with experience and expertise in the use of methods and insights of the neurosciences are prerequisites. A critical reflection on the significance of the neurosciences for the educational sciences is to the applicant’s credit. The successful candidate will be expected to establish an international competitive research programme and to realize output at a high international level. She/he will be prepared to engage in the raising of external research funds. She/he will be required to supervise doctoral dissertations in the domain of educational neurosciences. The applicant is expected to include a medium term research proposal with her/his application, in which the connection with one of the research lines of the department of Educational Sciences in Leuven is demonstrated (for instance research in the fields of learning disorders, autism, severe brain damages, instructional psychology, learning processes in the course of life).

2) Teaching assignment: The applicant will be engaged in teaching in the Bachelor and Master programmes in Educational Sciences. The actual teaching assignment will be defined in mutual agreement between the candidate, the head of the department and the vice-dean for education. The candidate must be willing to supervise master theses and internships in educational sciences.

3)Scientific support: The candidate is expected to act as a liaison who will foster the communication and cooperation between the educational sciences on the one hand and the neurosciences, the cognitive psychology and the biomedical sciences on the other hand. She/he will also give scientific support to the colleagues of the department of educational sciences who want to involve methods or insights from neurosciences in their research projects.

Candidates are expected to have an excellent research record that will reflect positively on the quality and standing of the department. This quality of research should be apparent from publications in international and peer-reviewed journals. International research experience is highly appreciated.

Applicants are expected to have acquired high-level instructional qualities and skills as necessary to train and teach future pedagogues. The successful candidate should be prepared to develop these qualities and skills further.

The applicant is also expected to have (potential) leadership capacities and to work together in a team with colleagues from the department, the faculty and other universities.

The position requires a Ph.D. or doctoral degree, preferably in Educational Sciences or Psychology. The Department of Educational Sciences is an equal opportunity employer.

To obtain more information about this position, candidates can contact the head of the department, Prof. Dr. Bea Maes (bea.maes@ped.kuleuven.be )

Academic position in the domain of “School development and educational innovation” (starting 1 October 2010)

The Department of Educational Sciences of the K.U.Leuven (Belgium) invites applications for an academic position in the domain of “School development and educational innovation”. The appointment will include scientific research, academic teaching and scientific support.

1) Research on school development and educational innovation.

The applicant is expected to design and execute innovative research in the domain of school development and educational innovation, for instance about leadership and management in schools, the school as a professional learning community, school culture etc. This research will include both empirical and theoretical work, and should be connected to the international developments in this field. Expertise in qualitative research methods is to the applicant’s credit. She/he should be prepared to develop functional collaboration with colleagues in other research centres, both within and outside the faculty and be willing to engage in the raising of external research funds. The successful candidate will be expected to establish an international competitive research programme and to realize output at a high international level. She/he will be required to supervise doctoral theses in the domain of school development and educational innovation. The applicant is expected to include a medium term research proposal with her/his application.

2) Teaching assignment

The teaching assignment will include courses in the Bachelor and Master programmes in Educational Sciences. The actual teaching assignment will be defined in mutual agreement between the candidate and the colleagues in the Center of Educational Policy and Innovation, the head of the department and the vice-dean for education. The candidate must be willing to supervise master thesises and internships in educational sciences.

3) Internal and external services

He/she should be willing to take up responsibilities in the department and to give scientific support to the educational practice. This requires knowledge of, experience and involvement in the field of educational practice.

Candidates are expected to have an excellent research record that will reflect positively on the quality and standing of the department. This quality of research should be apparent from publications in international and peer-reviewed journals. International research experience is highly appreciated.

Applicants are expected to have acquired high-level instructional qualities and skills as necessary to train and teach future pedagogues. The successful candidate should be prepared to develop these qualities and skills further. Foreign candidates are expected to teach in Dutch after maximal three years.

The applicant is also expected to have (potential) leadership capacities and to work as a good colleague in the team of the Centre for Educational Policy and Innovation.

The position requires a Ph.D. or doctoral degree, preferably in Educational Sciences.

The successful candidate will be appointed in one of the levels of the tenured ranks, depending on the candidate’s qualifications. The Department of Educational Sciences is an equal opportunity employer.

To obtain more information about this position, candidates can contact the head of the department, Prof. Dr. Bea Maes (bea.maes@ped.kuleuven.be )

Opening for a professorship in the domain of Educational Effectiveness

The Department of Educational Sciences of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven has an opening for a full position in the domain of educational effectiveness.

We are seeking to appoint a person with an outstanding research record and excellent teaching skills.

The applicant is expected to contribute to research on educational effectiveness, in close collaboration with the other members of the department. The high level and international quality of the candidate's research should be evidenced by publications in international peer-reviewed journals. International research experience is highly appreciated.

The candidate will have to teach courses within the domain of educational effectiveness and in the teacher training program of university students. Foreign language speakers are expected to teach in Dutch after three years.

The position requires a PhD or doctoral degree, preferably in educational sciences. The rank of professorship will depend on the qualifications of the applicant. The Katholieke Universiteit Leuven is an equal opportunity employer.

Potential applicants who wish to discuss this position informally are invited to contact the Head of the Department, Prof. Bea Maes (e- mail: bea.maes@ped.kuleuven.be).

The Faculty of Psychology and Education at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich is inviting applications for a

Professorship for ‘Research in Learning and Instruction’

(W2; tenure track, initially limited to 6 years)

The successful candidate will represent the field of empirical research in learning and instruction in both teaching and research. He/She is expected to be willing to contribute to the establishment of a research group on technology-enhanced learning. With respect to teaching, the professorship is expected to contribute to the curricula of psychology, educational science, as well as to pre- service teacher education.

Applicants should have a university degree, teaching experience, and doctorate; further, they should be able to demonstrate additional scientific achievements, such as a *Habilitation* or equivalent publications, or achievements attained during the tenure of a Junior Professorship.

As a rule, the appointment is limited to a term of six years in the first instance (*Beamtenverhältnis auf Zeit*). However, if the legal requirements are fulfilled, especially following a positive evaluation, the appointment can be changed into an unlimited-term (life-time) appointment (*Beamtenverhältnis auf Lebenszeit*) after three years the earliest. In exceptional cases, excellently qualified applicants may also be offered a life-time appointment immediately.

Candidates should not have reached the age of 52 at the time of the appointment. In urgent cases exceptions will be approved.

Handicapped applicants will be given preference in the case of approximately equal qualifications and experience. The University of Munich is interested in increasing the number of female faculty members and encourages woman to apply.

Please send your applications including curriculum vitae, copies of degree certificates, list of publications and teaching activities to the following address (closing date: October 29, 2009):

Dean of Faculty 11, University of Munich, Leopoldstraße 13, D-80802 Munich, Germany,

Fax +49-89-2180-5290, E-Mail: dekanat11@lmu.de

Funded PhD Studentship:

Can motor skills training improve cognitive functioning?: An evaluation of structured interventions for young children

An interdisciplinary PhD studentship is available in the Schools of Education and Applied Social Sciences with Dr. Christine Merrell (Education – Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring), Professor Joe Elliott (Psychology - School of Education) and Dr. Susan Bock (Sport – School of Applied Social Sciences).

The scholarship is funded through the Durham University ‘Social Science and Health Interdisciplinary Scholarships’ scheme and comprises tuition fees at Home/EU rate and a maintenance grant for up to 3 years. The maintenance grant for the first year will be £13,290 with adjustment in the following two years in line with the UKRC’s recognised measure of inflation.

Project Information

Studies of the relationship between the development of motor and cognitive skills and competencies suggest that motor development may predict or determine the developmental sequencing of some aspects of perceptual and cognitive development. Empirical evidence to support the existence of such a link across a school-based population is limited with the majority of studies focusing on clinical populations. However, recent analysis of data from a monitoring system run by the Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring using a large sample of pre-school children has found a significant relationship between motor development and key aspects of cognitive development.

Such findings raise important questions about the extent to which early intervention with respect to motor skills can demonstrate benefits in other areas of development. The aim of this studentship is to investigate whether the introduction of specific interventions designed to improve the motor skills of pre-school children particularly those identified as scoring poorly on physical measures, will impact on their subsequent cognitive development. This will involve randomly assigning interventions to a group of young children, monitoring their implementation and then evaluating their impact on a range of outcome measures. The study may include the design of new interventions and outcome measures if the review of the literature suggests that this is necessary.

The successful student will be based in the School of Education, and will benefit from the active research environments of all three participating departments.


Knowledge of child development and previous experience of working with young children in childcare or educational settings would be advantageous.

The deadline for applications for this studentship is Friday 23rd October 2009 and the studentship will start in January 2010. To apply, candidates must complete the University’s online postgraduate application form available at: https://bannerss.dur.ac.uk/blive_ssb/bwskalog.P_DispLoginNon stating that they wish to be considered for a ‘Social Science and Health Interdisciplinary Scholarship’ in response to the question asking for details of how they expect to finance their studies in the ‘Referees, Finance and Funding’ section of the form.

Applicants should have a strong first honours degree (normally with an Upper Second class or equivalent) in a relevant discipline.

If English is not your first language, you will need to be proficient in both spoken and written English. If you have already completed a degree programme where English was the language of instruction, this may be used as evidence of your English language proficiency, in lieu of a language test. The normal Durham entry requirements for English language are as follows: IELTS: an overall score of 6.5 or 7.0 (with at least a 6.0/6.5 in the Writing Section of the test*), or TOEFL: 550 or 600 and a score of at least 5.0 in the Test of Written English (TWE), or TOEFL Computer Based Scores: 213 or 250 and a score of at least 5.0 in the Essay Rating test, or Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English: Grade A, B or C.

Further Information

If you have any queries, please contact Dr Christine Merrell (christine.merrell@cem.dur.ac.uk ).

David Preiss, Ph.D.
Escuela de Psicología
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Av Vicuña Mackenna - 4860
7820436 Macul
Santiago, Chile

Fono: 3544605
Fax: 3544844
e-mail: davidpreiss@uc.cl
web personal: http://web.mac.com/ddpreiss/
web institucional: http://www.epuc.cl/profesores/dpreiss

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