Re: [xmca] list of ISCAR 2008 papers on moodle

From: Phil Chappell <philchappell who-is-at>
Date: Sat Sep 27 2008 - 22:06:17 PDT

Same goes for me - looks like that password is the missing link.

On 28/09/2008, at 2:52 PM, Andy Blunden wrote:

> Steve Gabosch wrote:
>> To get to the moodle site:
>> Go to >
>> Once in, go to the highest level
> Been here ...
>> There is a link called ISCAR in the upper right hand corner list of
>> "my courses"
> No such list for me.
>> It might be that to create this "my course" link you have to go
>> there first. Click on Special Purpose Sites, Conferences on the
>> main page list of courses, which gets you to a search screen.
>> Search for ISCAR and hopefully that link will appear and get you
>> there.
> Tried that, and I think I've been here before. I get to: "This
> course requires an 'enrolment key' - a one-time
> password that you should have received from judith green"
> I can't recall receiving a password ...
> Andy
>> There is room for improvement on what this moodle software seems to
>> be able to do, of course - it would be nice to sort by author,
>> title, session, etc. - but just having electronic access like this
>> to so many conference papers (I wonder how many more ISCAR 2008
>> papers there are that are not posted here?) is itself a big step
>> forward from the mimeograph/copier/printer past (also amazing
>> advances themselves over having to wait for books and journals to
>> be published), and even the recent digital past ("please email me
>> your paper!"). Another improvement could be attaching relevant
>> powerpoint presentations and other multimedia files to these
>> papers. But I sure hope making all these files accessible doesn't
>> give anyone the idea we don't need actual conferences! I've
>> already bought my ticket to Rome 2011! LOL
>> - Steve
>> BTW, I just figured out where to find a single page list of the
>> papers on the ISCAR moodle site - click on "resources". On Sep 27,
>> 2008, at 6:31 PM, Andy Blunden wrote:
>>> Steve,
>>> I am registered with Moodle, but I have never been able to find
>>> anything there. How do you do it?
>>> Andy
> --
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> Andy Blunden +61 3 9380 9435 Skype
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