[xmca] Re: My ISCAR

From: Mike Cole <lchcmike who-is-at gmail.com>
Date: Fri Sep 26 2008 - 11:30:44 PDT

Wow--- What an experience. And we did not even say hello. argh!

I think Tatiana's work is great too and she has promised a paper for MCA>

Could you unpack the following?:

Views of culture influence psychological phenomenon
Cultural psychology should be focused on explanation
Ratner - negative impact of ZPD

Never saw Carl either. One of so many.

On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 12:08 AM, Duvall, Emily <emily@uidaho.edu> wrote:

> It's hard to pull the week together, to be honest.
> So many people, so many sessions, so little sleep... but here goes some
> stream of consciousness... perhaps it will encourage others to talk in
> more depth.
> At some point I would like to talk a bit more about the work that
> Tatiana shared with me once I have worked with it a bit.
> Truly a gift... thank you for the intro Elina!
> ~ Em
> Monica, my intrepid and talented grad student, and I find the elevator
> to room 4412.
> We don't have to walk up four flights!
> We think it's four flights...
> Home for the next week... :-)
> There's Ana...time for wining, dining and...
> CHAT-ting!
> We see Pooh on the way... they call it Pooh, Ana says..
> It's a pile of rocks. We have a landmark.
> The Bear.
> Monday I sleep and grade my online class;
> I thought I'd get out to go kayaking
> I say hi to Gordon - I make it out to get a Latte; soy.
> Monica was off to CHADOC.
> We're up half the night talking.
> Tuesday it begins in earnest.
> The importance, eh?
> Drawing,
> Drawing pictures, arrows, squiggles...
> Primacy of the word in psychological development
> 'Seeds of communication' as mother and child smile at each other
> Readiness to take culture in... Zinchenko
> Sensation/acts integrated through affect...
> John-Steiner - the complementarity of cognition/affect
> Dialectical relation.
> Cole's brain and culture co-construct
> What about schooling constructing, schooling as culture
> Consequences of schooling
> Neurophysiological
> Smagorinsky et al...
> Arts in core curriculum
> Role of affect in writing...
> Mahn: Writing Protocol
> Writing to Learn
> Dialogic interaction, negotiation of meaning, analysis of text
> Promotion of conceptual thinking
> Allowing students to access the concept in their own language
> ...ways in, eh?
> Putting more faces to names on xmca... Preiss, Connery...
> Tuesday night, I head out to sing-along Mama Mia with an old friend from
> high school...
> I skip Carl's fireside chat...
> Later Carl asks me if I prefer singing to Marx?
> 12 years of choir notwithstanding, I think I'm better off with Marx.
> Views of culture influence psychological phenomenon
> Cultural psychology should be focused on explanation
> Ratner - negative impact of ZPD
> Think about the etiquette of race,
> Explain the psychology, the perpetuation of oppression
> National narrative: Wertsch and the cultural tools that we don't know
> are there
> How they shape... narrative templates, like a schematic
> Narrative power rather than accuracy, but grounded in historical
> episodes
> Example:
> 1. Setting: Russia is peaceful
> 2. Trouble: wonton attack - want to destroy Russian
> 3. Russia: almost destroyed
> 4. Russian heroism & sacrifice = victory
> Ethnocentric narcissism...
> Symbolic tools may not help if you don't know how to use them
> Kozulin - must introduce them!
> Mediated learning experience: immigrant/minority students learning new
> ways
> Rigorous mathematical thinking example
> Foster internalization of psychological tools
> The factory metaphor...
> CHAT-ting!
> Taking turns in the Israeli army and the ease of switching between
> English and Afrikaans...
> The trials of living in England if you're not English...
> You know, you just can't get a glass of Riesling in California.
> It's Thursday so it must be Dynamic Assessment!
> And it's a Penn State reunion Thorne...
> And then Poehner and Lantolf...
> My introduction to Vygotsky.
> Iddings talks DA... high stakes testing for ESL students
> Poehner talks DA...understanding the object by changing it
> Roth talks DA... problematizing... is there something that can be
> assessed
> Atencio talks DA... try to bring in authentic/world... not just an
> analytic lens
> Dinner out - we miss the aquarium.
> CHAT-ting!
> Peter and Leo, Jim and Holbrook, Steve and Matt, and...
> Monica and I are up late again, talking, CHAT-ting.
> She has to listen to my talk rehearsal.
> I should have taped it.
> I change it at the last minute...
> It's Friday....and MORE DA!
> Some issues with scheduling...
> Kozulin talks DA...cognitive modifiability with adults, new immigrants,
> changing futures
> I talk DA... high stakes testing of reading for children with learning
> disabilities
> Robbins talks DA... zones of potential development
> ... some issues with technology.... timing
> Kotik finds us a room and we gather to talk DA for hours more...
> Lantolf and Poehner talk about their training cd...
> The Friday night party...
> Wolfgang tells me about cortisol levels and ADHD...
> Elina introduces me to Tatiana
> My Saturday is planned...
> International song fest after the conga...
> Akhutina and I spend the morning together.
> She graciously takes me through her work.
> And I see where I need to go next. This is my high point.
> I see where I have stopped too soon, both theoretically and practically.
> It's the impetus I need to move forward.
> The School of Attention materials are so much deeper than our western
> ways.
> I see how much time we waste.
> How superficial the content in our schools seems.
> Neuropsychology... Isn't this close to where we began with Cole?
> My head and heart are full.
> But I manage to catch Rogoff so my cup runnethed over (my grammar
> overrunneth)
> Did you get the handouts Monica?
> And the ethnography...
> Hey, there we are, University of Idaho!
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Received on Fri Sep 26 11:31 PDT 2008

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